Vintage Camera, Camera Case, and Accessories

Black Leather PERRIN Plainsman 1 Case 

Kodak Retina* Ib 35mm Camera

Made between 1954-57 in Germany

Leather Case

Opens and Closes Well, but Untested

Sixtomat Light Meter with Gold Snake Chain

2 Kodak Filters (Skylight and FII/32) in Plastic Kodak Box

Braun Flash with Instructions

Microphone in Case

1 Roll Unexposed Kodacolor II Print Film

*Retina was the brand-name of a long-running series of German-built Kodak 35mm cameras, produced from 1934 until 1969. Kodak Retina cameras were manufactured in Stuttgart-Wangen by the Kodak AG Dr. Nagel Werk which Kodak had acquired in December 1931.

The Retina line included a variety of folding and non-folding models, including the Retina Reflex single lens reflex camera. Retina cameras were noted for their compact size, high quality, and low cost compared to competitors. These cameras retain a strong following today, of both photographers and collectors.

Your bids are appreciated as all proceeds go to the Roanoke Rescue Mission to help provide food, shelter, recovery programs and medical care for those in great need.