
The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards (A Long Line of Godly Men Profile) de Steven J Lawson

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards (A Long Line of Godly Men Profile) de Steven J Lawson
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Promoting The Need for, And Means of Holiness Steven J. Lawson was unknown to me until about 2 years ago. I then heard a message he preached at MacArthur's Pastor's Conference. Since that time I've picked up a few of his books. I have finished a couple of them and enjoyed them. That being so, when I read that he had written a book about Jonathan Edwards I knew that I wanted to read it. This book is the second in a series titled The Long Line of Godly Men Profiles. The first volume being The Expository Genius of John Calvin. From the beginning, as soon as one reads the table of contents, it is obvious that Lawson is convinced that Edwards' resolve was the result of his Biblical convictions. Indeed, in the preface, Lawson says "Godliness is a lifelong study..." And again, "Here is the key to his spiritual growth--Edwards disciplined himself for the purpose of godliness." The emphasis of the book is Edwards' pursuit of holiness through his resolutions, and use him as an example to prod us to walk in the same pursuit of holiness. Lawson begins with a chapter that chronicle the high points of Edwards' life. From there he proceeds to show us how Edwards maintained his resolve to wholly follow Christ even in the most difficult of times. Next, Lawson takes us to the time of Edwards' making his resolutions and writing his personal narrative. He points us to the background and influences that promoted his pursuit of holiness and led Edwards in this direction. This then leads us to learn the distinctive features of his resolutions, which features ultimately show the heart of one who has purposed to be godly by the grace of God. We are then directed to his personal narrative which again shows that his heart, through all of his life, was the heart of one who was pursuing God with an "all out" passion. As we continue in the book Lawson points out that which is extremely important to us all; the fact that personal holiness requires faith. Edward's resolutions were not simply moral rules, or a guide to self-reformation. They were only possible through faith in Christ. To this end Edwards not only refused to rely upon himself, but trusted Christ to empower him to perform these resolutions. He also realized the tendency to stray, so he regularly reviewed his resolutions and his adherence to them that he might recognize his failures, correct them, and better glorify God. The glory of God in everything was the goal of Edwards' life, Lawson tells us. "Edwards wrote `1. Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many and how great soever.'" Glorifying God was Edwards' passion, and this passion is manifest throughout his resolutions and personal narrative. This passion called for frequent self-examination, just as it will for you and for me. To avoid giving away the whole book, let it suffice us to say that the following chapters deal with Edwards' means of pursuing the glory of God in personal holiness. Finally, it must be said that this book is well written, well researched, and well done. The average reader who is seeking a biography of Edwards may do well to look elsewhere. The purpose of this book is to lead the reader to look into the heart of Edwards so that we might learn what made him tick. Neither is this book written simply to entertain. This book was written for the purpose of being a blessing to those who want to walk closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not to be read casually, though it is easy to read. It is to be read with ones "thinking cap on" so that the reader can gain benefit from the observation of a life lived unto the glory of God. Powerful and Stimulating Steven Lawson serves as Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama. An author of over a dozen books, Lawson now offers us the second volume in A Long Line of Godly Men series. His first volume highlighted the expository genius of John Calvin. In this volume, Lawson draws the readers attention to Jonathan Edward's faithful and unwavering resolve for the glory of God. The book relies heavily on Edward's Resolutions (provided as an appendix) and his personal diary. The first two chapters of the book cover the background and life of Edwards. For those unacquainted with the man, these chapters provide a valuable introduction. Yet, this book less about Edwards and more about the nature of true discipleship. Using Jonathan Edwards as a guide, Lawson provides a desperately needed antidote to the superficial devotion evidenced in Western Christianity. In much of contemporary Evangelicalism, faith has has been reduced to its most therapeutic form. In an age where leading pastors are urging people to "give Jesus a 60-day trial and see how he improves your life", is it any wonder why much of the Church has lost a vision of the grandeur of God? Surprisingly, Edwards would agree with the modern sentiment that God will improve our lives. In chapter 4 Lawson notes that Edwards "believed that prizing God above all else would lead to [our] greatest benefit" (p 66). In fact, his first resolution stated that bringing glory to God would result in his "own good, profit, and pleasure". It was no crime to Edwards to be motivated by a love for God and our own pleasure. Where Edwards would disagree with modern expressions of Christianity is in the order of these motivations and our ability to accomplish the latter. In chapter three Lawson demonstrates, through Edwards' own spiritual journey, that the prerequisite of faith is the recognition of our own inability. Not only are we incapable of providing for ourselves lasting pleasure, according to Edwards we are also unable to bring glory to God through our own strength. In chapter 4 Lawson demonstrates Edwards' firm belief that the desire to bring glory to God must be our chief motivation. While he believed our own joy would arise from this motivation, he nevertheless affirmed the absolutely necessity of desiring God above all things. For Edwards, this involved a positive as well as a negative. It meant there are actions we must do, as well as actions we must avoid. Even good things, if they are not for God's glory, must be avoided. Lawson writes that Edwards "passed up the good and the better for the best". Chapter five offers the first step in becoming a person who brings glory to God putting away sin. Lawson begins the chapter with a remarkable definition "sin is the antithesis of God's glory, a contradiction of His holy nature" (p 77). If there ever was a soul-damaging problem in the contemporary church it is found in her flippant understanding of sin. Chapter 6 reconstructs Edwards' understanding of the shortness of human life. He lived as if he would die at any moment. Larson writes, "Always living as if he were at the end of his life caused him to live for what is best, the glory of God". As such, every activity in his daily life was made subordinate to his primary motivation in life. This disciplined life is expanded upon in chapter seven. Edwards monitored his eating habits, use of time, and daily activities--all in order to maximize God's glory. Chapter eight unfolds for us how Edwards brought glory to God through developing a heart of love for others. True discipleship cannot exist in a vacuum. Our relationships are one of the greatest spheres in which we can magnify the Lord's glory. In the final chapter, Lawson walks us through Edward's repeated practice of self-examination. Lawson writes, "only by regularly scrutinizing ourselves can we engage in the pursuit of personal holiness to the fullest extent". The last few decades have seen a resurgence of Reformed thought. The last and greatest sola of the Reformation, to one to which the other four point and find their logical conclusion, is soli Deo gloria (to the glory of God alone). Lawson notes in the conclusion that "there is a desperate need for a new generation to arise onto the scene of history that will prize and promote the glory of our awesome God (p 154)." In this profile of the life of Jonathan Edwards, Lawson provides this generation with a sure-footed guide. Resolve to Read This Once a Year Jonathan Edwards was a remarkable Christian. He possessed a rare combination of brilliance and holiness which led to his being remembered as the greatest theologian--possibly Christian--that has ever lived on American soil. In The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards, Dr. Steven Lawson examines the 70 resolutions that were written by Edwards as an 18 and 19 year old while serving in his first pastorate. Throughout his life, Edwards examined himself and his spiritual progress by reviewing these resolutions weekly. Dr. Lawson gives us a brief biography followed by a thorough review of the resolutions and their major themes. The goal of the book, in the words of the author, is to "challenge a new generation of believers to pursue holiness in their daily lives." It is certainly convicting and inspiring, and if there is ever a book other than the Bible that will challenge one to pursue holiness, this is it. The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards is the second book in Dr. Lawson's series A Long Line of Godly Men. It would be a great addition to any library, and it is highly recommended to anyone interested in Puritan theology or in their own personal sanctification. "The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards," by Dr. Steven Lawson "The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards," a biography by Dr. Steven Lawson, is an interesting yet somewhat frustrating read. On the one hand, Lawson lists many of Edwards' resolutions and explains their beauty and discipline, citing much of Edwards' own diary for how he wrestled with them throughout his life. On the other hand, the biography comes off as hagiographic, painting Edwards in a slightly less-than-believable light. The humanity of Edwards, for the most part, seems to shine through the quotes present, and not much at all through Lawson's commentary on them. The book, for the most part, is organized around Edwards' famous resolutions, those pithy charges of self-accountability. Brilliant insights and penetrating declarations line the resolutions, and you cannot help but feel the gravity of Edwards' desire for personal holiness. The resolutions, coupled with Edwards' diary entries speak much of his personal life, struggles, and victories. Perhaps this book is better categorized as a commentary than a biography. But it is a decent commentary, with its share of insights. Yet, desiring to meet with Edwards himself as I read, I felt more like I was at his funeral, where only nice things are said, and we don't get the full, sympathetic picture. I'd like to thank Reformation Trust Publishing for this complimentary review of "The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards," and look forward to forthcoming volumes in the series. Great book on his resolutions, but this is not a biographical I must say that I do like reading biography, and have enjoyed some really good ones in the Long Line of Godly Man Profile. And I do like Stephen Lawson as an author, his writing style lucid, engaging and at many times well worth the time spent investing in reading his works. I do especially like his Foundations of Grace, and Pillars of Grace where I was first introduced to his writings. However, I must say that I was kinda disappointed with this particular writing, I guess it was not the genre I was expecting. I was expecting a more biographical sketch of the life of Jonathan Edwards in this book. But as the book is titled, it specifies about the resolve (or resolutions) of Edwards and it does systematically run through many of his resolutions and how they are seen in his life through his own dairy records. Lawson categorized the resolutions into different categories and then systematically analyse them, and show how Edwards himself saw the importance of these resolutions and how he implemented or struggled with the implementations of these resolutions. The strength of this book is for helping Christians see the importance and reasons for discipline in the Christian life, and even relatively unimportant things like rationing of amount of food to eat, was an issue that Edwards looked into. It helps a Christian to visualize and see an example of one life lived solely to be of use by God for His glory. However, that's all there is to this book, if you're looking more for a biographical book on Edwards, I would encourage you to search elsewhere. But you're interested to look at the resolutions of Edwards, how important they were and what they meant in Edward's life and how was it was manifested in his life, this is THE book to get. Ratings 3.75 5

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards is well known as perhaps the greatest theologian the United States has ever produced. He is equally noted for his preaching and writing. But in this Long Line Profile, Dr. Steven J. Lawson considers the unique focus and commitment with which Edwards sought to live out the Christian faith. Full description

Titre: The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards (A Long Line of Godly Men Profile)
Auteur: Steven J Lawson
Editeur: Reformation Trust Publishing
Reliure : Relie
Langue : Anglais
Publier en : Anglais
Languages d'origine : Anglais
Date de parution : 01/12/2008
Collection : Long Line of Godly Men Profile
Dimensions : 19,30 x 13,72 x 2,03
Nombre de pages : 168 pages
Classement : Livres anglais et étrangers > Subjects > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Religious

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