
The Kindle Publishing Bible How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks on Amazon (The Kindle Bible) de Tom Corson-Knowles

The Kindle Publishing Bible How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks on Amazon (The Kindle Bible) de Tom Corson-Knowles
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Well Thought Out - Well Spoken and Very Thorough! I has so much to do over the past couple of weeks, I didn't get a chance to read the book until tonight. I have to say that with every page my respect for the author grew. Tom clearly knows his material. I think that for anyone looking to get started writing books for Amazon, The Publishing Bible is a valuable resource. What really impressed me was that the author "sprinted to the finish" instead of just offering up fluff. I loved the useful tips and links. I found myself with my Macbook open and taking notes. I will be going back to this book several times in the coming weeks, I'm sure. Because I am an "online guru" and apps expert, I can think of many ways to extend the reach and market penetration for this book. I'll be sharing those ideas with the author on his Facebook page. Whenever two or people come together to share an idea, each leaves richer and better off for the experience. Thank you Tom for a well written book! Full Disclosure I had never heard of this author until two weeks ago when I bought the book. Good Information, BUT... There is some good information here, BUT, it is poorly arranged and not well written. He jumps from topic to topic in no particular order. It appears to be a stream of consciousness piece -- he seems to have written about whatever struck his fancy on a particular day. He talks about how he posts books when they are basically in the rough draft stage and then polishes them. He needs to take this one back and do some more polishing. He should describe a step-by-step process that takes someone from conception to publication and promotion. He doesn't do that. All that being said, the book does have a kernel of good information. Excellent book for Marketing This book is an excellent value. I have on my computer over 30 different programs and books about writing and selling books. Tom's book "The Publishing Bible" is one of the best. His advice is solid, easy to implement and very practical. He doesn't seem to hold anything back. Great information on choosing a title and some excellent resources to help you get the best title possible. I agree with his advice that "choosing a title is a process not a procedure.' Take your time and let the perfect title percolate to the top. All through the book are little tidbits of wisdom not just for marketing your book but also for writing. Great advice about always stopping your writing in mid-sentence. I'll let you read the book to find out why. Very insightful. If you want to sell more books than Tom's book The Publishing Bible is a must have. Review of The Publishing Bible This is my review of The Publishing Bible. DISCLOSURE I received a free of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. It's also a long review because I want to articulate the points so that I can be as clear in my opinion as possible. For this review, I will use excerpts from the text in certain places to illustrate points. I will endeavor to keep these quotations as short as possible to keep from revealing much of the content. Overall, I would say that there are some useful nuggets of information for those completely new to self-publishing on the platform. However, there is some advice that, as presented, does need to be mentioned as potentially damaging to new authors. What is and what is not potentially damaging and the implications are a matter of opinion, but those things are for the customer (you) to decide. I merely present the other side of the argument and allow you to make a decision. Judging the title of the book with the blurb vs. the content of the book, I cannot match them together. The title excites my expectations. When I see the word "Bible" in a book's title, I expect one of two things a holy text or the end-all, be-all guide on the subject--the ultimate source to which there is no equal. And "Bible" indicates that the book should be useful to people of all levels of experience in the given subject. This book is geared toward very new people with no idea of how to proceed, but once they get some movement on their titles, the few bits of useful information are obsolete. The author spends a great deal of time early in the book on titling and presentation of your book, and while I agree that titles must grab reader attention, they should--more importantly--reflect the book in hand in an accurate, appropriate way. This book may have sold less copies as, "Basic Strategies for Newbies in Self-Publishing," but it would've been a much more appropriate title. On to the potentially damaging bits At one point, the author discusses a concept known as Frictionless Blogging, and further, Frictionless Publishing. Basically, frictionless blogging is submitting content to make it visible to the public in order to motivate yourself; you don't want people seeing unedited content, so you force yourself to improve the live document quickly. The author discusses publishing said unedited content at $0.99, then racing through the editing process because the live book needs the work. From the book "For frictionless publishing, I write the book, finish the chapters and then post it on with minimal or no editing immediately for 99 cents. At this stage, the book is definitely worth at least 99 cents so I know that anyone who reads it will get a lot of value out of it and will NOT be disappointed in their investment." I would recommend that most people not follow this piece of advice. I'm sure that some authors are capable of producing flawless (or near perfect) content on the first pass, but the overwhelming and vast majority of writers are not. The last clause states, "and will NOT be disappointed in their investment," but I think you'll find the opposite to be true; people get angry about paying for unedited material. Even ing and reading free books results in reader backlash if they feel like their time has been wasted, the book isn't properly edited, it has lots of mistakes, and so on. I was a bit disappointed with Chapter 6 How to Get More Reviews (the ethical way) and How to Handle Bad Reviews. I actually expected to skim the chapter while looking for things that I didn't already know, but the chapter was quite short. Two methods are discussed asking people you know to review the book (with a disclosure of their relationship to you) and using the 1000 Top Reviewer list. No mention was made of advanced reader giveaway programs. No mention of book bloggers. No mention of dealing with small, local, or internet media sources who review books. Nothing about blog hops tours, guest blogging, publicity (other than one page about getting reviewers), the pros and cons of social media, having your own blog, newsletter, or anything else. Thus, I was a little shocked when I saw "Bible" appear in the title. From the book "Some authors will tell you it's unethical to ask your friends, family and colleagues to review your books. That's bogus! It's only unethical when positive reviews are paid for or given in return for something else, or when reviews are made without disclosing the relationship between the author and the reviewer." Yes, it's better if a reviewer discloses any relationship with the author, but it's better to have completely third party reviewers. In the opinion of most authors I've talked with and myself, readers with a close relationship with the author should be actively discouraged from reviewing. Reviewers with a financial interest or personal interest in the book (friends, family, editors, cover artists, collaborators, proofreaders, or anyone else connected to the book) may be violating conditions of use agreements by reviewing the book on a public marketplace website. Some could be in violation of FTC regulations for non-disclosure of financial interest in the product or, in some instances, the law itself. Aside from all of that, reviews from unbiased third parties will always be the strongest recommendations, and that should be where you put your focus. Unbiased third party reviewers who do not receive compensation are always ethical sources of reviews and always legal. Select is mentioned as one of the keys to success, but spending any time in author communities will bring you to the quick realization that the KDP Select program isn't as useful for authors as it once was. Some are still seeing success with the program, but like all other programs, strategies, tactics, or whatever name you want to use, a few are going to succeed exceedingly well, some are going to do well, many will do okay, and most will see little or no result. The same holds true with advertising, marketing, publicity, standing on the street side waving books in the air, and any other sales strategy out there. And I hate to put such a focus on scrutinizing the KDP Select program as part of this review, but it's the one given the most focus as the key to success in this book. The author doesn't discuss building a readership at all beyond writing more material books (yes, that's important), KDP Select (your results may vary), and gaining reviews quickly (yes, that's important, too, but take care in how you do it). Also important is organizing and connecting with your readership. Building an email list, Twitter following, Facebook fan page, or fan website forum are ways to engage readers and let them know about new releases. These methods aren't discussed in this book; instead, there is a link inside the book which is for the author's How To Make Money With Twitter ebook. (It's linked to a sign-up-here-to-receive-your-free-ebook style website, the type which collect emails for further marketing by the list owner.) I glanced at the 3-star reviews prior to writing mine, and I agree with their assessments, also. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to recommend this book to anyone looking to get into publishing. I feel that there are more comprehensive sources available which offer a better value for the cost. In its present form, I believe you could gain equal or better value from reading free blogs on self-publishing and marketing books. At 108 pages (PDF), 6 of the pages are front matter, and 21 of those pages in the back are bonus material included from other books by the author or links to videos blogs. That leaves 80 pages of material that, in many cases, can be found on the internet for free, are a bit dated, or are, in my sole opinion, potentially dangerous for authors. I cannot advise anyone to spend the $5.97 list price for the title. And it is unfortunate. I feel bad about writing this review. I don't like writing negative reviews for books. I don't like getting a book for free, especially at the request of the author to review the title, and have to give out a review like this. As an author, I know what it's like to get a less than stellar review. It hurts. That's probably part of the reason I'm even discussing it here. I debated for days on whether I should even post this review, but in the end, I decided to do so. Given the number of positive reviews this title has received and the lack of mentioning of the points in my review (at length, anyway), I decided to share my opinions and hopefully steer those who would've been unhappy with the book in a different direction. I hate giving this book 5 stars! Not only that. I PAID for this book. I didn't even wait for him to put this book on free promo! Why? Because I have been watching him publish book after book, and I wanted to know his secrets. I'm a member of the group he refers to, and I paid a lot of money to receive the information he puts out in this book. So I have very mixed feelings. Giving him this review is probably going to help him sell his book, dang it all. It's a good book. It's well written. Its very easy to read. It's got a great title. Dang again. It helps you remember that this is a process not to take personally, just do it and get on to the next project. The information is superb. Tom has added his own special marketing formula which is worth far more than you will pay for this book, but I'm not going to tell you what it is, you'll have to buy and read the book yourself. I don't know Tom personally, but I've read his posts, and I like his ethics. Nothing says you can't use your experience to help others and make money at the same time. Dad gum it! The only thing negative I can say about this book is that I'm not having as easy a time working through this process as Tom does. I agonize over my title and key words and getting it perfect, but that's probably because I'm an old codger. But I do know from watching so many other people succeed that this information is solid gold. Good luck in your writing and publishing career.

How To Sell More Ebooks In 7 Days I Believe Publishing Should Be Fun, Profitable And Very, Very Easy If you want your book to become a best seller I can show you how! Learn how to Increase Your Book's And Google Search Traffic By 423% In 30 Minutes If you're a self-published author without a large platform or following, you will never be able to promote more than the published authors with huge marketing budgets. But you can outrank them on search every time! Why? Because 99% of authors don't know how to increase their search engine rankings in and Google. But I do - and I'm going to show you how in this book (it won't cost you a dime to implement these strategies). Most authors (even the ones with publishers and big marketing budgets) have no idea how to do keyword research, tag their book, add the right search keywords when they publish their book or insert keywords in their without it sounding like it was written by a robot. For New Authors Step-By-Step Instructions With Picture Tutorials If you're a first-time publisher or technologically challenged then this book is for you! I even had my Grandma Ann Knowles follow the instructions step by step and she gave it a big thumbs up for easy to use instructions. The playing field has been leveled with ebook publishing - and if my Grandma can do it I guarantee you can too! For Existing Authors How To Sell More Books In 5 Days Than You Did Last Month I'm going to share with you my KDP Select Free Promotion Marketing Formula for getting tens of thousands of readers to your book in just 5 days. All you have to do is read the Marketing Formula instructions and follow them (it takes about 3 hours of work to get thousands of new readers). How To Sell On Using Your If you think your book is going to sell itself think again! If you're a fiction author or novelist, you have to show your readers the story and engage them in it or they won't buy a book from an unknown author. And if you're a non-fiction author, you have to tell potential readers how your book is going to help them solve their problem fast or they'll click away without buying. I'm going to show you the Show And Tell system for selling more books on by giving you readers what they want and overcoming objections in your ! marketing isn't about having a big marketing budget or publisher behind you - but you still need exposure and a great offer. This book will help you with get more exposure with search and other great marketing tips. You also have to make buying your book an irresistible offer so that when browsers get done reading your they say, "I have to buy this book!" You can't do that without a strategic plan and a well-written . Bonus! Video interviews with best-selling authors as they share their coveted book marketing strategies. My poetry was first published at age 16 in Teen Ink magazine and I started writing books at age 19 but had no idea how to get my message out to anyone other than my friends and family. Finally, I discovered Amazon's Publishing platform and published my first book on on February 10, 2012. Since then, I've sold tens of thousands of ebooks on and now earn a full-time income as a part-time author. I've since helped hundreds of self-published authors like myself sell more books on . If I can do it you can too! Learn how to sell more books on today. Scroll up and grab your today.

Titre: The Kindle Publishing Bible How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks on Amazon (The Kindle Bible)
Auteur: Tom Corson-Knowles
Editeur: Authentic Health Coaching
Reliure : Broche
Marque : Brand Authentic Health Coaching
Langue : Anglais
Publier en : Anglais
Languages d'origine : Anglais
Date de parution : 03/01/2013
Collection : The Kindle Bible
Dimensions : 22,86 x 15,24 x 0,61
Nombre de pages : 108 pages
Information Complementaire : Used Book in Good Condition
Autre : How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks In 7 Days I Believe Kindle Publishing Should Be Fun, Profitable And Very, Very Easy If you want your book to become a Kindle best seller I can show you how! Learn how to Increase Your Book's And Google Search Traffic By 423% In 30 Minutes If you're a self-published author without a large platform or following, you will never be able to promote more than the published authors with huge marketing budgets. But you can outrank them on search every time! Why? Because 99% of Kindle authors don't know how to increase their search engine rankings in and Google. But I do - and I'm going to show you how in this book (it won't cost you a dime to implement these strategies). Most authors (even the ones with publishers and big marketing budgets) have no idea how to do keyword research, tag their book, add the right search keywords when they publish their book or insert keywords in their without it sounding like it was written by a robot. For New Authors Step-By-Step Instructions With Picture Tutorials If you're a first-time Kindle publisher or technologically challenged then this book is for you! I even had my Grandma Ann Knowles follow the instructions step by step and she gave it a big thumbs up for easy to use instructions. The playing field has been leveled with ebook publishing - and if my Grandma can do it I guarantee you can too! For Existing Authors How To Sell More Books In 5 Days Than You Did Last Month I'm going to share with you my KDP Select Free Promotion Marketing Formula for getting tens of thousands of readers to download your book in just 5 days. All you have to do is read the Marketing Formula instructions and follow them (it takes about 3 hours of work to get thousands of new readers). How To Sell On Kindle Using Your If you think your book is going to sell itself think again! If you're a fiction author or novelist, you have to show your readers the story and engage them in it or they won't buy a book from an unknown author. And if you're a non-fiction author, you have to tell potential readers how your book is going to help them solve their problem fast or they'll click away without buying. I'm going to show you the Show And Tell system for selling more books on Kindle by giving you readers what they want and overcoming objections in your ! Kindle marketing isn't about having a big marketing budget or publisher behind you - but you still need exposure and a great offer. This book will help you with get more exposure with search and other great marketing tips. You also have to make buying your book an irresistible offer so that when browsers get done reading your they say, "I have to buy this book!" You can't do that without a strategic plan and a well-written . Bonus! Video interviews with best-selling Kindle authors as they share their coveted book marketing strategies. My poetry was first published at age 16 in Teen Ink magazine and I started writing books at age 19 but had no idea how to get my message out to anyone other than my friends and family. Finally, I discovered Amazon's Kindle Publishing platform and published my first book on Kindle on February 10, 2012. Since then, I've sold tens of thousands of ebooks on Kindle and now earn a full-time income as a part-time Kindle author. I've since helped hundreds of self-published authors like myself sell more books on Kindle. If I can do it you can too! Learn how to sell more books on today. Scroll up and grab your copy today.
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