This is a 9 volt 1500mA (1.5 amps) AC Adapter for the Jam Man Looper pedal.  The Jam Man Looper pedal calls for an AC adapter of 9 volts and 1300mA (1.3 amps).  Many eBay sellers will sell AC adapters with lower amperage than called for (usually a 1000mA adapter).  Here's how that works:

  • Current too high – If the adapter has the correct voltage, but the current is greater than what the device input requires, then you shouldn’t see any problems. For example, if you have a laptop that calls for a 19V / 5A DC input, but you use a 19V / 8A DC adapter, your laptop will still get the 19V voltage it requires, but it will only draw 5A of current. As far as current goes, the device calls the shots, and the adapter will have to do less work.
  • Current too Low – If the adapter has the correct voltage, but the adapter’s rated current is lower than what the device input calls for, then a few things might happen. The device could power on, and just draw more current from the adapter than it’s designed for. This could cause the adapter to overheat or fail. Or, the device may power on, but the adapter may not be able to keep up, causing the voltage to drop (see voltage too low above).  Bottom-line: it’s a bad idea to use a lower current rating adapter since it could cause excess heat!
So, be careful of who you buy from on eBay!  If they don't tell you the amperage of their adapter, be wary!