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Silent Spring
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Author:Rachel Carson
Publisher:Penguin Books Ltd
Publication Date:2000-09-28
Language: This book should contain text in eng
Synopsis:Rachel Carson (1907-64) wanted to be a writer for as long as she could remember. Her first book,<i> Under the Sea Wind</i>, appeared in 1941. <i>Silent Spring</i>, which alerted the world to the dangers of the misuse of pesticides, was published in 1962. Carson's articles on natural history appeared in the <i>Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker, Reader's Digest</i> and <i>Holiday</i>. An ardent ecologist and preservationist, Carson warned against the dumping of atomic waste at sea and predicted global warming. <i>The Edge of the Sea</i>, which completed her biography of the sea, is also published in Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Rachel Carson died of cancer at the age of 56.
Our Ref:CP-9780141184944