Large Carp Imitation Bait Box
Contains every bait a carp angler could ever wish for!
Critical Corn - Yellow, Orange & Red
Critical Maize,  Mimiks Pellets,  Mimiks Mxers
Mimiks Tiger Nuts,  Mimiks Bread Flake Floating,
Pop-Up Corn - Yellow, Orange, Red, White, Fluoro Green,
Fluoro Pink, Fluoro Yellow & Fluoro Orange,
Mimiks Maggots - White & Red

Small Carp Imitation Bait Box
Contains a popular selection of Carp Baits.
Critical Corn - Yellow, Orange & Red
Critical Maize,  Mimiks Pellets,  Mimiks Mxers
Mimiks Tiger Nuts,
Pop-Up Corn - Yellow, Fluoro Pink & Fluoro Yellow.

Pop-Up Corn Imitation Bait Box
Contains Every Colour of POP-UP CORN an Angler could
ever want!

Contains Colours :  Yellow, Orange, Red, Black, White,
Fluoro Yellow, Fluoro Pink, Fluoro Orange, Fluoro Green
and Fluoro Purple.