There once was a real ship named Black Pearl captained by Henry Morgan, one of the world’s most notorious pirates. The Black Pearl which first sailed in 1669 fought many battles; the most famous of which was an invasion in Panama in 1671. The following year Captain Morgan was put in prison in England. Years later he returned to Jamaica as a judge and governor. Henry Morgan died in England in 1688 after a long illness.
Number of sheets:2 Sheets
Assembled Size:
3.90" x 3.12" x 0.70" (10 x 8 x 1.8 cm)

About: Fascinations Inc. manufactures interesting and amazing gifts such as MetalEarth 3D Models. #MetalEarth

Company Overview: With Fascinations® Products, you can buy with confidence from a company that has been in the toy and gift industry for over 30 years. The Fascinations® brand means you can concentrate on your business, without worrying about the products on the shelves.

Awards: April 2014 Learning Express Best Toy in Construction for the MetalEarth Star Wars Millennium Falcon 3D Metal Model. *We beat Lego in this category*