Empathic Warrior

Master StarbraryTM)

Lightening Struck

Quartz Crystal

Pleiadian Markings

Crazy Lines

Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Hand Minded

more pictures available upon request


60.4 grams

98 mm longest

24 mm thickest

18 mm widest

28 grams equal 1 ounce

25 mm equals 1 inch





don't let the pictures fool you!

she has a very bright and clear energy!


Here is what Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits wrote about Starbraries

"Starbraries are recognized by the presence of glyph-like markings, symbols and geometric patterns plus usually a doorway or key. By aligning fingers with the doorways or keys, you can unlock different layers, depending on orientation. Companion crystals are important - they either come with the crystal (purchased with or given with) or appear shortly thereafter. They don't have to be quartz, but work with the main crystal to unlock different layers or even gain access to the crystal itself. All Starbraries work like that - the companions facilitate access, although it's possible to gain access just from the Starbrary itself. There are at least 6 different peoples who left crystal records. The most sought after are the maps, histories and legends of the people of the Cassiopeia or Pleiades system. This particular one is from the Pleiades System.They are recognized by more flowing lines and symbols along the sides of the crystal. While they often manifest key markings, they don't always, but there will always be different and comfortable ways to hold the crystal, facilitating the opening of the many layers. These are the most detailed crystals and contain HUGE amounts of information - like encyclopedias, although even more in depth. All of the Starbrary formations hold information of peoples who had a positive influence on human growth and evolution. The records were left here so that in the event of catastrophe, there would be a permanent record to help Earth rebuild. Starbraries were placed in many locations so the records could be accessed by peoples all over the world. There are sets of crystals - like chapters or series. When one comes to you, all of a sudden, you will find many more. It is important to ask the order to read them."

The frequency of Lightening Strike quartz connects all of the chakra together from the personal to the transpersonal. Its energy balances and clears all the chakra’s and your energy field, by cleansing thus increasing your own personal vibration to a much higher frequency which makes it much easier to access the information found on the Master Starbrary Crystal…these rare and unique crystals allow one to open to and access the higher dimensional energies! And to release deeply held emotional patterns at the cellular level to allow you to more easily follow your soul’s path…

Get these while you can…once they are gone, they are gone!


Rev. Laura Macklem, RMT, CCA, MH

owner founder iempoweredhealing online, ebay and etsy