THOGCHAG # Protection

with GARUDA PHA YANT (TEMPLE CLOTH) pictures below.

Sourced in Nepal.

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Bronze Lion (Singh) wall hanging amulet 3.5 inches tall x 4 inches wide.

Top of bronze Lion (Singh) to bottom cloth drop 9 inches.

This bronze Lion (Singh) was purchased in Nepal. People buy these bronze Lion (Singh) wall hanging thogchag amulets and hang them in their homes or donate them to Buddhist Temples for hanging on the Temple walls. The hanging on a wall in a Temple, home or office gives good luck protection and healing and keeps away any negative energy.

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The Lion is one of Buddhism's most potent symbols. Traditionally, the lion is associated with great strength and power. The Buddha's teachings are sometimes referred to as the 'Lion's Roar', again indicative of their strength and power.

In Buddhism lions are symbolic of the Bodhisattvas, the "sons of the Buddha" or "Buddha's lions". Bodhisattvas are beings who have attained a high level of spiritual development. They have generated Bodhicitta and made the vow to renounce the happiness of the highest enlightenment and remain in this world working until all sentient beings are free from suffering

In Buddhist iconography we find the lions in their role of dharma protectors supporting the throne of the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas. They are also found at the entrance of the monasteries and shrines.

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The back of the Lion (Singh) wall hanging thogchag amulet.

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Garuda Temple Cloth (Pha Yant): 6.5 inches x 4.25 inches.

This blessed and empowered temple cloth talisman is called a Pha Yant.

It can also be called a 'Cloth Yant' a 'Paa Yant', a 'Payant'  or a 'Yant cloth talisman'

This sacred blessed and empowered 'Pha Yant' sacred temple cloth which is included with this bronze Garuda wall hanging. It can be framed and hung on a wall, hung on a wall as it is, carried with you in your pocket or placed in your car to grant you a safe journey. It can be given to a friend or loved one as a special sacred gift. This 'Pha Yant' is for your protection from evil and bad spirits, and will protect you against bad luck.  A 'Pha Yant' will protect you from danger. This 'Pha Yant' will grant you a long and healthy life and also grant your wishes. A sacred 'Pha Yant' can be given to grant blessings to a wedded couple to enable them to have many healthy children and to have a long and a happy marriage.  

**** If you write your wishes on the back of a blessed 'Pha Yant' they will be granted .

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Thogchags: are Ancient Tibetan talismans (amulets) which are traditionally worn next to the body for protection, healing and good luck. They can also be fastened to clothing, tied to religious articles, carried in the pocket, tied to other sacred amulets and worn around the neck.  Thogchag amulets have been used in sacred religious rituals for thousands of years to dispel evil and all negative energy and to bring good luck, healing and prosperity in all its forms.  Thogchags were frequently used by the Tibetan Shamen in their healing rituals and were often given to the person in need of healing as these sacred amulets have a huge amount of sacred energy and magical power and would speed up the healing process.  Thogchags are very sacred amulets and are believed to have fallen from the sky and are magically formed and not manufactured by human beings. Thogchags are made of Bronze and meteoritic metals and date back as far as the Bronze Age. Thogchag translates as ‘Sky-Iron’ or ‘Heavenly Iron’

# Ancient Thogchag amulets ( 1000 years old and much older) are becoming increasingly difficult to find.   Thogchags are made of various copper alloys that are not bronze in the technical Western sense. In Tibet they are known overall as 'li', which means 'bronze'. Thogchag now is generally used to mean old pieces in copper alloy that have been worn by Tibetans as protective pendants at some point in their history.

 It is important that Wall hanging Thogchag amulets be treated with respect.


"We are visitors on this planet.

We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most.

During that period, we must try to do something good,

something usefull, with our lives.

If you contribute to other peoples happiness you will find the true goal,

the true meaning of life."

His Holiness The XIV th Dalai Lama

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GOOD FORTUNE:  comes about when the energies of your body and mind click together. This is not just about the creation of wealth: good fortune is the experience when you know deep inside you that everything is right with the world. It is when you and the divine enjoy each others company. Good fortune is a natural state of mind that is part of who you are. It is inside you, just wanting to be released. Start by asking for it. Be humble and receive. If you seek good fortune unskilfully- in other words, selfishly- you will create obstructions. Good fortune never ever comes in a way that you expect it, so open your heart for a happy suprise. You keep your good fortune by sharing it and learning from it, not by showing it off. Use your good fortune by showing other people how to access it, based on your own experience.

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Whatever your circumstances, your immediate surroundings contain boundless positive energy. According to ancient Tibetan medicine, matter is slow-moving energy, and your consciousness can make any matter relax, open and become pliable. You can make it speed up or slow down. The energy in your surroundings is like a golden cup covered with grime, which your mind can clean so that it shines with love and positivity. The Tibetans believe that the material world, the universe and the mind go through cycles of rejuvenation. By working with the cycles, you unlock within yourself the basis of rejuvenation. You can use your body's inner cycle.

In the cycle of life there is an appropriate time for all things to happen.

For centuries many Buddhists have believed that by carrying a Blessed Amulet with Buddha images, Luang Phor (Thai Buddhist Monks) or Gods you will be given good luck, and protection. Blessed amulets will guard you from danger, will dispel evil and negative bad and dangerous energy, and protect you from disease. It is believed that a blessed  Buddhist amulet will help you to gain great wealth and will guard you and give you success while you are at home, at work, or travelling. Sacred amulets can be cast from metal or carved from a piece of wood, ivory, bone, or made from a special magical powder that contains hundreds of different special and secret ingredients that are then pressed into a mould and then baked. After this is done the amulets are blessed by monks in order to give the wearer the sacred spiritual power of protection.

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Shamanism is humanity's oldest form of relationship to the spirit world. As such, it is the underpinning beneath all religion. But shamanism is not a religion. It is a complex set of practices, beliefs, values and behaviors that enable the practicioner to elicit a shift from ordinary consiousness into a trance state with a specific goal in mind, such as for healing, obtaining information, power, vision, divination, contacting the spirit of the deceased, soul retrieval or guidance for right action. Shamanic work is done with the aid of a helping ally of some sorts that the shaman has befriended. They work together as a cooperative team, with the ally being an intermediary between different levels of reality and the shaman, an engineer of altering states of consciousness.

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Shamans throughout the world and throughout time, recognize that the universe is alive, conscious, and filled with spiritual power. Shamans know how to access this web of power and work with it skillfully and effectively to address their, and their community's needs. Shamanism is the use of shamanic practices within a shamanic value system. Traditionally a shaman goes through the experience of a "calling", usually through illness, accident or some unusual quality of being, then through an arduous apprenticeship of teaching, training and testing, followed by some sort of passage rite into their new status. Typically shaman do not define themselves as such. Instead they are defined by their community based on what it is that they do. Becoming a shaman and living as a shaman is a difficult and demanding life path that many indigenous people shy away from because of its formidable requirements. It is not about fun and glamor. Unskillful and uneducated acts can cause harm, or even be life-threatening, to the practicioner as well as to others. For shamanism deals with power, and power can move in many different ways, like electricity. It is important to move slowly with respect, humility and care.

In the cycle of life there is an appropriate time for all things to happen.

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The items on this Spiritual-Sky eBay site, call  you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that nothing at all was impossible, you could do anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life.

These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you.  Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.


Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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