Naturalized Animals: The Ecology of Successfully Introduced Species

by Christopher Lever

ISBN 0856610879

Description - In their travels, humans have regularly carried with them wanted, or unwanted animal passengers. these have often failed to survive in their new surroundings, but a significant number have successfully managed to established themselves, thrive and become naturalized.
These naturalized animals can have major ecological and economics impacts on their environment, such as the European rabbit in Australia, mynahs in the Hawaiian Islands, and rats and frugivorous birds worldwide. It is the effects of naturalized vertebrate animals species (including reptiles, amphibians and fish) that Christopher Lever addresses in this fascinating area.
Problems discussed include the transmission of diseases, damage to human food resources, disruption of native ecosystems, impact on indigenous prey species and the effects of hybridization with native species. These are supported by a comprehensive glossary, full references, and indexes and appendices, enabling rapid searches and cross-referencing of the text.

Condition h/b 354 pages, condition is Very Good.

Hanselled Books Ref  056165