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Please note: This old necklace is as it arrived from Nepal, we strongly recommend restringing..just to be safe !

This rare Tibetan Natural Large Coral bead necklace was sourced in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal.

Length of necklace 24 inches (end to end)  Length of coral beads 16 inches (end to end)

36 coral beads.

Largest  bead diameter 10.75 mm.  Smallest bead diameter 9.85 mm.

Length of largest bead 11.4 mm.  Length of smallest bead 10.25 mm.

Weight of necklace 73.3 grams.


People string a few of these old natural coral beads with other prized beads and sometimes use one bead on a sacred Mala. Sometimes you see a Dzi bead strung with them. It is rare to find a complete necklace made from these rare natural coral beads.

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Spiritual-Sky is releasing these special sacred and empowered items to the world. The reason for the release of these items is that the Earth as we know it is now a dark and dangerous place and we would like spiritual and sacred people to be part of the new awakening. There are very few people in the world who can feel and sense and need this sacred and special power.

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Please Note: This is real natural coral sourced in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal.

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This is a very old real natural coral bead necklace.  This beaded necklace has been well used and the beads are of slightly different sizes which is expected in a sacred item of this great age.  Some beads are pitted as you can see in the pictures and most beads have fantastic markings. This very old spiritual blessed red coral bead necklace has the most wonderful weathering marks and a beautiful usage patina. These sacred coral necklaces are prized by the Tibetan's and people from the Himalayan regions.

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For Tibetans, coral symbolizes blood, fire and light, making it a potent charm for life and health. It was imported into the Himalayas from the Mediterranean long before Marco Polo's travels in the 13th century and has always been highly valued.

Coral has played a very important role in religious and magical rites throught the Pacific Islands. It is often placed on graves to guard the deceased and temples were sometimes built of lava rocks  and coral. In the Mediterranean, coral was thought to contain the "life essence" of the Mother Goddess, who dwelled in the ocean in a tree of coral. There is a belief that the ocean is the home of human souls after death, and so coral is considered a very powerful amulet for the living. It can be carried to prevent "evil spirits" from entering the body. Coral guards against accidents, acts of violence, poison, theft, possession and sterility. Coral can effect inner changes. It dispels foolishness, nervousness, fear, depression, murderous thoughts, panic and nightmares. It gives reason, prudence, courage, and wisdom upon its bearer. If you have some coral in your bedroom at night it will produce peacefull and restfull sleep by driving away disturbing dreams. Coral has been used in magic relating to children for thousands of years. If a piece of coral is given as a gift to a child, it ensures their future health and if placed in their room it will magically guard and protect the child. Coral can also be used to attract luck to a household. If you take a piece of Coral and touch it to every door, window and wall in the house while you move in a clockwise direction then place the coral in a place of prominence luck will be attracted to the house. Because of its associations with the sea, coral is used as a protectant while sailing or travelling over water and will guard boats against shipwreck and protect against shark attack. Coral can be used to enchance telepathic communication between this present reality and the prior, future and other current worlds. Coral can be used to heighten and suppliment ones accomplishments in the business realm and to instill quality and excellence within ones invironment. It helps one to dispense with old "programming" and scedules, and to be open and receptive to, and perceptive of, the fresh innovative forces which are available. In the mystic language of the psychic mind, fossilized coral represent time, eternity and evolution. They are a tangible example of how nothing in nature is wasted. Energy cannot be destroyed, only maniftations of energy. Matter is transmutable. Fossilized coral is used as power tools by shamans and healers throught the world to amplify energy and can be placed apon altars/shrines as pure symbols of the earth and the ambiguity of time and to increase the spiritual power of magicial rituals.

Coral can be used to recall past lives and times that you now cannot remember when you were a child. Hold this Coral bead necklace at night in a room lit only by candlelight or moonlight, meditate while holding this sacred necklace, look at it thinking of its incredible antiquity, attune with it, feel its past life. Still your mind and breath deeply and awaken your psychic awareness. Feel this life, this body this personality slipping from you. Slide along the energy of your being (soul) beyond birth, beyond death, beyond to another life.

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Please note: This old coral necklace is as it arrived from Nepal, we strongly recommend restringing..just to be safe !

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To heal someone, you must first know why people suffer. If through healing them, you can show them how to stop suffering, you have fulfilled your role as a physician.

At he heart of all suffering there is a spiritual remedy that comes about from knowing the relationships between karma and suffering.  Karma comes from the chaos that exists within all living creatures, all aspects of this world and the universe at large. Some chaos is good, some indifferent, some bad, but it is the stuff from which happiness and then enlightenment can be made.

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Many of us are trying to find peace, a small place where we can enjoy our lives.  We look around and watch the world go by.  All we wish to do is to find a small amount of peace and tranquility in the world today. There are huge amounts of negative and bad energy flowing. Many dark energies are around and trying to possess us. They try to find a host, when we are at a low point in our lives, when we are weak and vunerable.

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Girl from Tibet with HUGE coral necklaces.

Be kind whenever possible.
 It is always possible.

  Dalai Lama  

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Girl from Tibet with HUGE coral necklaces.

Our Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and they can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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