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Cristal de Aquamarina con color azul de brillo intenso con buena terminacion y calidad con cristales de turmalina negra de color y brillo intenso. Mineral muy estético

Aquamarine single crystal with good termination and good blue color and shine with high quality with very good black shine tourmaline crystals. Very aesthetic mineral specimen

Aquamarina con turmalinas negras
Erongo, Namibia
2,4x0,5 cms - 1 Gramos

Aquamarine with black tourmalines
Erongo, Namibia
2,4x0,5 cms - 1 Gr

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Más minerales en: https://ptmutantminerals.wordpress.com/
More minerals in: https://ptmutantminerals.wordpress.com/

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Payment until 30 days in articles
Pagamento acumulavel ate 30 dias nos artigos comprados