 The Energy Healing Conference by Carol Tuttle is  a mine of information
There are 18 CDs in this set and 13 DVDs ...
Also a workbook and all is contained in a ring binder
There are many speakers at this conference such as
Donna Eden : energy medicine for health and vitality
David Feinstein: the power of energy psychology
Dr Leonard Horowitz: The love codes
Carol Tuttle: Birth energy and clearing process
Valerie Miller and Lorene Cron: using essential oils to maintain emotional health
Dr Ada Gonzales Stergion: Gemisphere therapeutic gemstones
Tom Tessereau: Reiki attunement and healing energies
Stephanie Eldringhof: Emotional first aid process
Carol Look: the body says it all.... using eft
Sue Busen: Tap into Joy
Carol Tuttle: Energy profiling
Retail Price $499 US
Bonus book by Carol Tuttle - Remembering Wholeness retail $25
n the book.. by Carol Tuttle........ we are hard wired for joy, happiness, good health, wealth and loving relationships..... Remembering Wholeness is the ultimate spiritual self help book
338 pages