

Prints on canvas look magnificent, impressive & elegant.

Canvas Prints do not require protective glass
so the image can be seen clearly without bothersome glares.

The natural texture of the canvas gives the print the look and feel of an original oil painting.

Canvas Prints are tougher and far more durable than paper prints.

Canvas Prints give the flexibility to adhere on foam boards, place on stretcher bars or mat & frame to fit your style.

All orders include mounting & stretching instructions


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Clint Eastwood Good, Bad & Ugly

20"x26" Photo Reproduction


We are committed to delivering high quality canvas prints at affordable prices, our huge range of images means you are sure to find the print you're looking for.


What is Giclee Print?

The term “Giclee” (Gee-Clay) is French for ‘Inkjet Print’, or actually ‘Spray of Ink.’. The process is digital printmaking with a printer that uses minute droplets of archival ink to produce prints that cannot be duplicated by other printing technique. Because there is no visible dot screen pattern the resulting image has all of the subtle tonalities of the original art or Photo.

This produces exceptional museum quality prints. With this new technology the printer can achieve a true reproduction of my original done on archival Canvas.




Two Options Available

1. The standard size prints are 20”x26” with a 2" border and fit into standard frames sold at most frames stores. We ship your prints in sturdy mailing tubes.

2. We will professionally wrap the canvas prints onto 1.5" wood strecher bars. Print will be ready to hang as is or will fit into your 20"x26" frame.


Pay only $7.99 for shipping within the United States & 18.00 For international. We are happy to ship orders together at no additional cost, so take advantage of this great offer! All shipping is done via USPS Priority Mail. We ship quickly & efficiently.

Rest assured we guarantee complete satisfaction with our products. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase just let us know and we will replace or refund We mean any reason!


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