The entire billion dollar nlp, seduction and to a large extent the modern radionics revival is being powered by old, mostly out of print but still available Parker Publishing Company books. The books of Frank R. Young, who Brad Steiger once called "The Einstein of The Occult", are among the most powerful of any of these modern grimoires. This stuff really works. Amazing about how one of the female Parker Publishing authors was supposedly the source of "Remote Viewing" (clairvoyance and out of body projection). 

The Russians wrote a technical manual 500-page book on the astral body. It was named "The Bio Plasmic Body" and it's deeply scientific because when it was written mysticism was a capital offense. These things are very real and the ignorance the average person has as regards it is orchestrated for obvious reasons. Fear of loss of power and control. The Russians even weighed the astral body (bio-plasmic body) after F.R.Y. and his family did. It's precisely 3/4s of an ounce. So as anyone who can point and click can discover FOR THEMSELVES, governments have always made aggressive use of psychic and magic powers while dumbing down the general population with the circus (sports, tv, social media and Hollywood). 

  • Don't settle for arguments and flame wars when you can do your own research and don't try to convince the profane. THIS KNOWLEDGE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE, IT DEFENDS ITSELF AND IT IS DANGEROUS IF USED RECKLESSLY. So very true that a little goes a long way. I speak from personal experience. The original "007" was a magician and spy for the Queen of England in the 16th and 17th centuries. His name was John Dee. True story. So you see it doesn't matter what the unfaithful say and why trouble yourself about that? Show some self-control and let the unfaithful be as they are after all we're speaking of mental disciplines and mind-body yoga. Frank Rudolph Young was one of the most interesting and mysterious men of the 20th Century. A real Jedi Master if ever there was one. 

  • Young also wrote many other books on Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and Psychic (mind) development. In fact, during the 1980's when I became a certified NLP practitioner I was at a seminar during which the group facilitator was making outrageous claims about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) being an entirely new development in the field of neurological science. During a break, I kindly told him that before he continues making those assertions in future seminars he should read Frank Rudolph Young's books because he would discover that Young taught many of the exact same concepts under different terminologies. 

  • Needless to say, he was amazed when I told him this. Bottom line: I believe Frank Rudolph Young was a genius. And in many ways way ahead of his time. . ---John Peterson" THIS KNOWLEDGE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE, USE IT WISELY OR ENJOY IT AS FAR OUT LITERATURE. So very true that a Little Goes a Long Way.