Natural Dog Bad Breathe Remover 2 oz
(Pure Calcium Montmorillonite Clay Also known as Nutramin)

Does your furry best friend have stinky breathe?

This 100% natural remedy helps absorb toxins from bad bacteria, chemicals, & waste build up.

These natural minerals are safe for human and animal consumption. (Commonly sold as a mineral supplement.)

When applied directly on the gums, minerals contain an active pulling charge that absorbs toxins.

Add a pinch of BAD BREATH REMOVER to your pet's water. Approximately 1/2 teaspoon to 16 oz. of water.

Repeat weekly to add nutrients to pet's water and purify your pets mouth.

Made with all natural minerals to keep your pooch's teeth and gums healthy and help eliminate bad breath.

Customers have noticed significant results in 3 days.

Make your own DOG TOOTHPASTE:  Mix 1 tablespoon water with 1 tablespoon of Dog Bad Breath Remover.

Instructions: Mix 1 Tablespoon of Clay with 1 Teaspoon of purified water. Blend into a creamy paste.

Apply on dogs gums preferably 20 minutes or more before feeding. 

Or add a add a pinch to your dogs water bowl.  (approximately 1/2 teaspoon to an 8 oz glass of water.)

Ingredients: Pure Calcium Montmorillonite Clay (also known as Living Clay, Nutramin, Miracle Clay)