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Titolo: China - Triumph and Turmoil
Numero di catalogo: 6867441043294
Formato: DVD
Condizione: Nuovo
Studio: 4DVD
Data di pubblicazione: 2012-04-02
Codice regionale: 2
Durata: 0.00
Genere: Special Interest
Sottogenere: Documentary/Historical
Lingua: English
Descrizione: Channel Four documentary series presented by historian Niall Ferguson which analyses the recent history of China and its increasingly influential status as a world power. With over one billion citizens, China is the most populous country in the world and is increasingly developing the political and economic clout to match. Ferguson, known for his revisionist and, at times, controversial, views on history, discusses the factors which have contributed to the rise of China and how a continuation of the country's present policies may affect the future, not just of China, but of the world.

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