
Sab Simplex is an anti-foam preparation dissolving foam that prevents absorption of gas in the stomach and bowels.

Sab Simplex dissolves bubbles in foamy phlegm of the bowel wall, however, it is not absorbed, but is goes out unchanged through the bowel out of the body.

Active substance Simethiconum (Dimeticonum 350 - cum silicii dioxydo 92,5:7,5) 69,19 mg in 1 ml

Packed in Lithuania ( for Lithuanian market) . Made in Germany.

Exp date 10.2014.

Its really helps for my baby anti-colic. He was more quiet than before. Need 15 drops in each bottle.


Thanks for looking. I hope that will helps for you little one.

p.s. im on holiday from 9th Jun till 16 Jun, if you will buy i can post only on 18th Jun.