


Zinc oxide, 5% tin, 5% benzyl alcohol, water-soluble excipient, s. c.

PROCICAR Cream is indicated for the healing of wounds of varying etiology,

reducing the exudative material, itching and prevent hyperpigmentation.

Zinc oxide and calamine are protective skin to facilitate the development and

maturation of the scar, improving their appearance, in addition, the zinc oxide

 has a drying effect and the therapeutic action of calamine controls the itching

that occurs in some scars.

PROCICAR Cream also acts as a filter or screen to protect the scar from the

solar radiation that generally tends to darken.




INDICATIONS TERAPÉUTIC Cream is indicated for the healing of wounds of varying

etiology, reducing the exudative material, itching and prevent hyperpigmentation.

Ingredients: zinc oxide and calamine are protective skin to facilitate the development

maturation of the scar, improving their appearance, in addition, the zinc oxide has a drying

effect and the therapeutic action of calamine controls the itching that occurs in some scars.

PROCICAR Cream also acts as a filter or screen to protect the scar from the

sun that generally tends to darken.

Apply 2 or 3 times a day for your time.






COMPONENTES DE LA FÓRMULAÓxido de zinc, 5%; calamina, 5%; alcohol bencílico, excipiente hidrosoluble, s. c.

INDICACIONES TERAPÉUTICASPROCICAR Crema está indicado en el proceso de cicatrización de heridas de diversa etiología, disminuyendo el material exudativo, el prurito y evitando la hiperpigmentación.

PROPIEDADESEl óxido de zinc y la calamina son protectores cutáneos que facilitan la evolución y la maduración de la cicatriz, mejorando su aspecto; además, el óxido de zinc tiene un efecto secante y la acción terapéutica de la calamina controla el prurito que se presenta en algunas cicatrices.
PROCICAR Crema también actúa como filtro o pantalla para proteger la cicatriz de la radiación solar que tiende generalmente a oscurecerla.

MODO DE EMPLEOAplicar 2 ó 3 veces al día durante el tiempo necesario.

PRESENTACIÓNTubo con 60 g.


División Dermatología de Siegfried Rhein, S. A de C. V.


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