
Get a traditional and social media consultation from Authors Large and Small Publicity! 

Includes a free consultation and advice session regarding book outreach through traditional and social media. You'll talk with a publicist in person or over the phone/Skype/Zoom and develop a strategy for promotion/outreach for whatever you have written. No time limit for the consultation--you'll talk as long as it takes to develop a thoughtful plan for outreach for your project.

***This is an online item available everywhere.***

About Authors Large and Small Publicity: 

Authors, Large and Small is a literary publicity agency with decades of combined experience managing efforts to spread the word about books and films of all genres and styles, including indie and self-published projects. We’re skilled with creating and distributing press releases, communicating through the various forms of social media, landing media interviews for our clients, obtaining intelligent and well-placed blog reviews, and setting up bookstore signings and speaking tours for authors.


Twitter: @smallandlarge

All proceeds benefit the 501(c)3 nonprofit SFWF and EveryLibrary, America?s first and only 501(c)4 social welfare organization dedicated to protecting public libraries as the federal government tries to completely defund them.