Brand New Flashlight Tool for Easy Removal of Tonsilloliths 
(Tonsil Stones)

I have had tonsiloliths for years and wish I would have found this helpful tool sooner. Very easily see what you are doing with the flashlight and comes with 3 different adapters to help find and remove those pesky stones.

I've tried almost everything, and this is the cheapest, easiest, and quickest remedy I have found.

Don't let imitators tell you that their models are a higher quality. These are the original units and made of the highest quality plastic and parts. In fact, we have proven that the light on our units can last up to 40% longer than our competition!

**WARNING** Use at your own risk. 

Extension tip(s) may come loose during use. Make sure tips are secure prior to using.

Seller assumes no responsibility or liability resulting from the use of this product.

We urge you to seek the advice of your physician or consult a medical professional prior to using this product.
Rinse, clean, and disinfect after and before each use.

This product is sold as-is without any explicit or implied warranties. Color may vary.

We are the original manufacturer and stand behind our quality product, offering a no-risk 14 day return guarantee!