

This pack contains IWB resources, printable games, plans and worksheets for each half termly unit.

 Term 1i - Consolidating the understanding of adding suffixes, and to investigate conventions related to the spelling pattern 'le'

  • Recap - the rules for adding suffixes: Reminds children of the basic rules for adding suffixes to different types of base words. It contains an activity at the end to allow children practise the convention, using identified words.
  • Adding -ed quiz: An activity to reinforce adding ed to different base words
  •  -le at the end of words: Investigating a new spelling pattern, le for use in conjunction with 'Find your team' cards - to sort into 'Two different consonants before le'; 'A double consonant before le', and 'One consonant before le'
  • Words ending in al: Looks at 12 common words ending in al.
  • Words ending in el: Looks at 12 common words ending in el.
  • Doubled consonants: Investigates two syllable words that contain double consonants (in alphabetical order, also pointing out consonants that are never doubled, and consonants that are rarely doubled), and asks if the double consonant follows a short vowel phoneme.

  • Find your team: 12 word cards for each different group (identified above), plus a title A4 card for each team captain to hold.
  •  - le ending word cards: A range of different word cards with the endings ckle; able; double letter +le; cle; ble; ible; and ple. (65 words in total)
  •  -el word ending cards: 27 cards containing words ending in el
  •  -al word ending cards: 27 cards containing words ending in al

  • PDF - Word list: for revision activities (teacher use)
  • Planning Year 3 term 1i: An outline of the plan, showing where the above activities fit into the unit.

Term 1ii - Spelling regular verb endings, and irregular tense changes.

  • Past tense verbs: Explains what a verb is and gives examples for the children to identify the verb in a sentence. Introduces the two most common verbs which are not in themselves actions - to be and to have.
  • The verb to be: Gives examples of sentences in the past and present tense containing the verb to be, for the children to identify.
  • The verb to have: Gives examples of sentences in the past and present tense containing the verb to have, for the children to identify.
  • Regular past tense verbs: 12 different verbs for the children to change into the past tense
  • Changing verbs into past tense: A look at the conventions: Single syllable verb ending in a single consonant letter preceded by a single vowel letter / Verbs with more than one syllable or a long vowel phoneme / Verbs ending in y, preceded by a consonant
  • Changing verbs quiz: An exercise to practice the conventions for changing verbs into the past tense.
  • Irregular verbs: Introduces irregular verbs, with examples for the children to write down or say the past tense of the verbs
  • Irregular verb patterns medial vowel i or igh: Shows words where the median vowel i or igh changes in the past tense, and asks children to identify a pattern before the patterns are shown. They are split into 5 different groups to allow children to look at and learn similar spelling patterns.
  • Irregular verb patterns medial vowel e or ee: Shows words where the median vowel i or igh changes in the past tense and asks children to identify a pattern before the patterns are shown. They are split into 5 different groups to allow children to look at and learn similar spelling patterns.
  • Irregular verb patterns other median vowels: Words where the remaining median vowels change in the past tense. It children to identify a pattern before the patterns are shown. They are split into 5 different groups to allow children to look at and learn similar spelling patterns.
  • Irregular verb patterns - changing the ending: Looks at the different patterns where the irregular verb tense has a changed ending
    Irregular verbs - other: Looks at irregular verb tense changes that do not follow a particular pattern; also looks at verbs that do not change in the past tense.


  • Sorting past tense verbs: Worksheet for the children to complete.
  • Irregular tense verbs cards: 90 cards each with the present and past tense of different irregular verbs, for sorting games and activities.
  • Past tense alphabet worksheet: For the children to write past tense sentences
  • Tricky irregular past tense verbs worksheet: For the children to record the irregular verbs they find tricky.
  • Planning Y3 T1ii: An outline of the half termly plan in Word, matched up with the accompanying activities
  • Irregular verbs list:Different lists of words, sorted into spelling patterns, for teacher use.

Term 2i - Spelling of nouns when -s is added

  • Plurals: Recaps what the children have already covered in year 2, on the terms singular, plural, and noun, giving definitions. Looks at whether it is right to just add -s to nouns to make them plural.
  • Recap of consonant then y endings: A review of the rule covered in year 2, with an activity at the end.
  • Nouns ending in a hissing or buzzing sound: Introduces the new rule, with an activity at the end for the children to consolidate their learning.
  • Making plurals quiz: The children are given 30 words, and have to choose from the three different ways of making plurals (change the y to i and add -es / just add -s / add -es). It can be used as an interactive quiz, or for a class whiteboard activity.
  • Plurals other than -s: Explains the reasons why we have these irregular plurals, and gives 9 examples, with an activity at the end.
  • Review of plurals: A recap of everything covered so far on plurals

  • Singular and plural cards - consonant then y: 24 word cards
  • Singular and plural cards - hiss or buzz sound: 24 word cards
  • Singular and plural cards - just add -s: 24 word cards
  • Singular and plural cards - vowel then y: 18 word cards
  • Singular and plural cards - sorting titles: To use in sorting games for the different rules
  • Different ways of making vowels - recording worksheet: A blank sheet for the children to record the rules they have learnt.
  • Plurals not ending in -s worksheet: With pictures - the children have to write the singular and plural of each noun.
  • Review - plural nouns worksheet: Sentences for the children to finish off regarding the rules for making nouns plural, with space for examples.

  • Plurals list and rules: A list of plurals classified into different spelling patterns.
  • PDF - Planning Y3 T2i: An outline of the half termly plan, matched up with the accompanying activities above.

Term 2ii - To understand how words change when suffixes are added

  • Y2 Revision - adding -y: Revises the work covered in Year 2 on adding -y, and explains and demonstrates the rules. It gives examples of words for the children to add -y to, then ends with an activity where the children have to change the nouns in sentences into adjectives by adding -y.
  • Name the base word -y words: Shows 12 examples of adjectives ending in -y, for the children to work out the base words.
  • Changing words into adjectives: 12 sentences containing base words, for the children to change into adjectives by adding -y.
  • Making adjectives: Recaps the suffixes -ful and -less from Year 2, and the rules for adding them to base words. Gives 8 examples of adding -less and -ful to base words to change them into adjectives. Then there are 14 sentences for the children to write, and change the base words into adjectives by adding -ful or -less. It also introduces the suffix -ly, explaining that the rules are the same.
  • Introducing comparatives: Introduces the term 'comparative' and explains how to change base words by adding -er or -est. It shows 5 examples of each rule (Just add the suffix / Double the last letter / Drop the 'e' / Change the 'y' into an 'i'. It then gives children 12 words to add -er or -est to, and use in a sentence. It explains how other words ending in 'er' are not comparative, such as walker or teacher.
  • The suffix -able: Introduces what adding -able does to the meaning of words, and the rules for adding it. Gives examples of sentences for the children to add -able to the base words, and some examples of words with the suffix -able to make sentences with.
  • Composing sentences: Gives children 3 lists of words - they have to select one from each column and write a sentence containing them.
  • Words with more than one suffix: Introduction to the idea that some words are made with more than one suffix. It gives examples of words where -ful is added, then -ly, and then 12 examples for the children to complete on their own.
  • Using more and most: Explains how you cannot add -er and -est to some words for comparison. Shows examples of words that are preceeded by more or most. Explains when to use each comparative word.
  • Suffix review: A recap of the topic, explaining what a suffix is, and how it can change the spelling of a base word. It goes over the rules for adding suffixes that begin with a vowel, and suffixes that begin with a consonant. It ends with 21 base words for the children to decide which suffixes can be added to them to make new words.

  • Adding -y worksheet: Gives a selection of base words for the children to add -y, writing them in the correct column.
  • Suffix meanings: -er, -est, -y, -ful, -able and -less; for the children to write definitions.
  • Adding suffixes: A list of base words and a grid for the children to think of adjectives.
  • Comparatives grid 1: A grid of 16 words for the children to finish writing in the comparative words.
  • Comparatives grid 2: As above, but contains 10 words.
  • Finding suffixes: A story to read and identify the adjectives and highlight the suffixes.
  • Irregular comparatives: A grid of irregular comparatives for the children to research and complete.
  • Comparatives more and most: Sentences with missing comparatives to complete.
  • Word cards -able
  • Word cards -er
  • Word cards -ful
  • Word cards -less
  • Word cards -ly

  • Planning Year 3 Term 2ii: The half termly plan, identifying where each resource fits in.
  • Year 3 Term 2ii word list: Lists of words containing each suffix being taught.
  • Sentences containing words with suffixes: For dictation.

Term 3i - Pronouns

  • Introduction to pronouns: Begins with a passage that contains no pronouns, just nouns, for the children to read and work out what is wrong. Explains what pronouns are, and gives sentences where the children have to choose which pronoun replaces the noun in different sentences.
  • Using pronouns: This goes through personal, possessive and absolute possessive pronouns, showing an example where each are used. The children are given opportunities to decide which pronoun to use before they are revealed.
  • Pronouns and spelling strategies: Shows a complete matrix containing personal, possessive and absolute possessive pronouns, and explains how some are followed by nouns, and some stand alone. It then looks at each pronoun for different groups of people, giving strategies for remembering how to spell them. There is an option to hide or show the pronouns, so it can also be used in a look cover check spelling activity.
  • Demonstrative pronouns: Looks at this and these; that and those, showing examples of how and when they are used. It gives five different scenarios for the children to look at and think of, or write sentences using these pronouns.
  • Reflexive pronouns: Looks at the pronouns myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves, with pictures to think of a sentence using the pronouns.
  • Indefinite pronouns: A look at pronouns such as somebody, nobody, all, some, all, anything etc. It begins with sentences with missing pronouns for the children to guess, then looks at other indefinite pronouns for the children to make sentences with.
  • Spelling tricky pronouns: Looks at groups of pronouns with similar spellings, and gives some strategies for remembering how to spell them. The words can also be hidden for the children to write them on their whiteboards.


  • Pronoun table: A complete matrix for display, or for the children to refer to.
  • Complete the pronoun matrix: An incomplete pronoun matrix for the children to fill in.
  • Find the pronouns - x 4: Four different worksheets containing parts of stories for the children to read and highlight all the pronouns they find.
  • Pronoun count: A recording sheet to mark down how many different pronouns are found.
  • Missing pronouns - x 2: Two different worksheets containing passages where the pronouns are missing.


  • Who am I cards: 24 different cards showing characters and objects, with the titles 'who are we?' / 'who is he?' etc., to play the Who Am I? game.


  • Word list of pronouns: Lists of all the different types of pronoun covered in the unit.
  • Indefinite pronouns: Can be used for display or reference.
  • Year 3 Term 3i planning - A plan of the unit, showing where all the above resources fit in.

 Term 3ii - Knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words

  • Prefix recap: Looks at the prefixes un- and dis- from Year 2, and explores how the meaning of a root word is changed when they are added.
  • Prefix quiz: Shows 23 root words; the children have to decide if un-, dis-, or both prefixes can be added to make a word.
  • New prefix re-: Looks at the rules of adding a prefix, that it does not usually change the spelling of a word, but it does change its meaning. It then gives examples of words containing the prefix, and asks the children if they know what meaning it adds to the words. It then gives a list of words where re- is then added. The children can use these words in sentences.
  • New prefix pre-: As above, with pre-
  • New prefix de-: As above, with de-
  • New prefix mis-: As above, with mis-
  • Sentence Challenge: Explains what a synonym is, then challenges the children to make sentences from a selection of words containing the new prefixes.
  • Synonyms: Looks at words containing the new prefixes, and asks the children to think of synonyms.
  • Prefix revision: A recap of un-, dis-, re-, pre-, mis-, non-, anti-, and ex-, and what meaning they add to words.
  • Sentences - adding prefixes: Six sentences for the children to change the root words by adding prefixes.


  • Word cards un and dis words: A selection of root words, plus the words with un- or dis- added to them.
  • Prefixes re pre de mis cards: To use with the cards below, to add to root words to see if they make a word.
  • Bingo cards & Root words: 6 Bingo sheets containing the new prefixes, with root words.
  • Wordsearches: 4 different wordsearches, with re-, pre- mis- and de- words. There are 2 versions of each - with and without the word clues.
  • Anti- worksheet: Contains a list of words, and space for the children to write down the meanings of 10 of them.
  • Non- worksheet: Contains a list of words, and space for the children to write down the meanings of 10 of them.
  • Ex- worksheet: Contains a list of words, and space for the children to write down the meanings of 10 of them.
  • Word wheel: A selection of root words with the prefixes un-, dis-, re-, pre- mis- and de- in the inside wheel.


  • A planning sheet for the unit, in Word, with the activities above alongside the objectives
  • A word list of age appropriate words to use in the unit.

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