Brand New Weather/Meteorological balloon in a box containing the balloon in a sealed foil package. 

Balloon Specification:

Balloon Weight:        800g
Neck Diameter:         8cm
Burst Diameter:         6.6m

Burst altitude and rate of ascent depends on the weight carried and amount and type of lifting gas used - see http://habhub.org/calc/

For example you should typically reach over 100,000ft with this balloon using Helium and carrying a 500g payload at the standard ascent rate.

Release (free flight) of these balloons in the UK requires a CAA permit - see http://wiki.ukhas.org.uk/guides:faq

Tethered (captive) flight of these balloons above 60m requires a CAA permit - see https://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=4409

Contact me if you have any questions.