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Culture, Values and Ethics in Social Work Embracing Diversity by Richard Hugman 9780415673495 (Paperback, 2012)


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Product details

Language of text:
9780415673495, 978-0415673495
Richard Hugman
Taylor & Francis Ltd
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
171.45mm (w) x 241.3mm (h) x 12.7mm (d)


"This groundbreaking book examines the ways in which questions of culture and diversity impact on the values and ethics of social work. Using detailed case studies to illustrate key points for practice, Richard Hugman discusses how social workers can develop culturally-competent ethical practice and work creatively with the tensions it sometimes involves. Debates rage over whether there is a core set of unchangeable social work values or whether they might be different at different times and for different people. This textbook proposes a new approach of 'ethical pluralism' for social work practice, in which both shared humanity and the rich variety of cultures contribute to a more dynamic way of understanding social work's underpinning values and ethics.In particular, this book explores the implications of a pluralist approach to ethics for the central questions of: Human rights and social justice Caring relationships Social and personal responsibilities Agency and autonomy Values such as truth, honesty, openness, service and competence. It is vital that social workers understand the values and ethics of their profession as a crucial part of the foundations on which practice is built and this is the only text to explore the connections between culture, values and ethics and fully develop the pluralist approach in social work. Culture, Values and Ethics in Social Work is essential reading for all social work students and academics. "--

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Culture, Values and Ethics in Social Work Embracing Diversity by Richard Hugman 9780415673495 (Paperback, 2012)

UK delivery is within 3 to 5 working days.
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Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9780415673495, 978-0415673495
Author:Richard Hugman
Publisher:Taylor & Francis Ltd
Publication date:2012-08-23
Product dimensions:171.45mm (w) x 241.3mm (h) x 12.7mm (d)

"This groundbreaking book examines the ways in which questions of culture and diversity impact on the values and ethics of social work. Using detailed case studies to illustrate key points for practice, Richard Hugman discusses how social workers can develop culturally-competent ethical practice and work creatively with the tensions it sometimes involves. Debates rage over whether there is a core set of unchangeable social work values or whether they might be different at different times and for different people. This textbook proposes a new approach of 'ethical pluralism' for social work practice, in which both shared humanity and the rich variety of cultures contribute to a more dynamic way of understanding social work's underpinning values and ethics.In particular, this book explores the implications of a pluralist approach to ethics for the central questions of: Human rights and social justice Caring relationships Social and personal responsibilities Agency and autonomy Values such as truth, honesty, openness, service and competence. It is vital that social workers understand the values and ethics of their profession as a crucial part of the foundations on which practice is built and this is the only text to explore the connections between culture, values and ethics and fully develop the pluralist approach in social work. Culture, Values and Ethics in Social Work is essential reading for all social work students and academics. "--
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading