
Particle Image VelocimetryMarkus Raffel

Art Nr.: 3540723072

ISBN 13: 9783540723073

SubTitle: A Practical Guide

ReleaseYear: 2007

Published by: Springer-Verlag Gmbh

Edition: Buch

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 241x164x32 mm

Pages: 448

Weight: 834 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Markus Raffel


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This immensely practical guide to PIV provides a condensed, yet exhaustive guide to most of the information needed for experiments employing the technique. This second edition has updated chapters on the principles and extra information on microscopic, high-speed and three component measurements as well as a description of advanced evaluation techniques. What's more, the huge increase in the range of possible applications has been taken into account as the chapter describing these applications of the PIV technique has been expanded.


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