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(For good health, good luck and protection.)

Please Note: The words ‘Ruesi’ and ‘Lersi’ are synonymous with each other.

from the Wat Bang Phra Temple, Nakhon Chai Si, Nakhon Pathom Thailand.

7 x 9.5 inches.

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This blessed and empowered temple cloth talisman is called a Pha Yant.

It can also be called a 'Cloth Yant' a 'Paa Yant', a 'Payant'  or a 'Yant cloth talisman'

PHA YANT 'Temple cloth'  7 inches  x 9.5 inches.

This sacred blessed and empowered 'Pha Yant' sacred temple cloth can be framed and hung on a wall, hung on a wall as it is, carried with you in your pocket or placed in your car to grant you a safe journey. It can be given to a friend or loved one as a special sacred gift. This 'Pha Yant' is for your protection from evil and bad spirits, and will protect you against bad luck.  A 'Pha Yant' will protect you from danger. This 'Pha Yant' will grant you a long and healthy life and also grant your wishes. A sacred 'Pha Yant' can be given to grant blessings to a wedded couple to enable them to have many healthy children and to have a long and a happy marriage.  

**** If you write your wishes on the back of a blessed 'Pha Yant' they will be granted .

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Please Note: The words ‘Ruesi’ and ‘Lersi’ are synonymous with each other.

The word Ruesi is derived from the Sanskrit word Rishi and they were around in the pre Buddha times, perhaps 3 – 4,000 years ago. They lived in the deep forests in what is now known as Nepal and India. Separated from society and free of the attachments and distractions normal life brings, the Ruesi developed strong spiritual powers, often meditating for weeks at a time. Their role was similar to that of a sage / hermit. They made potions from plants and roots, healing the people when they came across sickness. They wandered from place to place instructing the people as they went. A Ruesi is a heritage that is handed down from father to son.

An eremite (hermit) Buddhist monk leads a totally solitary life. The eremite monk renounces all worldly concerns and pleasures in order to pursue his religious and spiritual goals. The eremite monk seeks total solitude and spends his time in prayer, meditation and contemplation without the distractions of any contact with human society or the need for any standard of normal cleanliness or dress. This way of living was not to abandon or stay away from the normal enjoyment of life but it was recognition that spiritual and religious goals would be impeded by the indulgence of normal living.

The legend of highly developed beings has been told in different mythologies and cultures around the world. In Thailand there are also various legends of “Pu Wised”, or Lersi , Arahants or Yogis. These Lersi are said to have possessed various powers, such as knowledge of herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities such as levitation, teleportation, alchemy, and mind reading.

These beings with special powers are reputed to have lived recluse lives in the forest, on mountains, or in caves; practicing meditative skills and mental development using secret methods passed on from mouth to ear by their forefathers.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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