Calea Zacatechichi

Strong Tincture

 (Dream Herb, Leaf of God)

1 dram is try it size

15 ml

1 oz

4 oz

use drop down menu for size/pricing

Dream Herb was traditionally used by the Chontal Natives of Oaxaca, Mexico. It would be prepared as a tea and drank while smoking a cigarette made up of the foliage just before going to bed.

Those who partook of the Dream Herb were able to experience lucid dreaming; the ability to control and remember their dreams with less effort. Auditory hallucinations are also fairly common, which prompted the Chontals, believing they were hearing the voice of God, to refer to Calea zacatechici as Leaf of God.

Exactly how Dream Herb effects the brain is not well understood. Modern studies have shown an increase in brain activity during sleep and some minor hallucinations of subjects when awake.

Dream Herb is an all natural oneirogenic herb, meaning it is an herb that promotes sleep and induces lucid dream states.

Calea zacatechichi is a plant native to Oaxaca, Mexico, and is still used by the Chontal Indians of Mexico to obtain divinatory messages during dreaming. At human doses, dried leaf material and organic extracts of the plant produce the EEG and behavioral signs of somnolence, and has been shown to induce a light sleep in cats. In human healthy volunteers, low doses of the extracts administered in a double-blind design against placebo increased reaction time end time-lapse estimation. A controlled nap sleep study in the same volunteers showed that Calea extracts increased the superficial stages of sleep which are critical for states of lucid dreaming, also known as the Theta state. In fact, it is believed that lucid dreaming happens when one half of the human brain is in Theta (dreaming) state, and the other is in Delta (deep sleep). The subjective reports of dreams were significantly higher than both placebo and diazepam, indicating an increase in hypnagogic imagery occurring during superficial sleep stages.
I have personally found that its best use is as a tea...only a small amount is needed to make a tea...with the tincture just add to water and sip slowly...smoking is not nearly as effective
Yes, my prices are higher, but this is the BEST available of the extracts that you see sold here...I do not water down my tinctures as many other sellers do, thus you need less and the tincture is strong than what is available on the market...
It has been scientifically demonstrated that extracts of this plant increase reaction times and the frequency and/or recollection of dreams versus placebo and diazepam. It is also employed by the Chontal people as a medicinal herb against gastrointestinal disorders, and is used as an appetizer, cathartic anti-dysentery remedy, and as a fever-reducing agent.
For those who may be alcohol sensitive you may easily remove the alcohol content by placing the amount you desire of the tincture in a cup and then pour 1/4 boiling water (this evaporates the alcohol content down to that which is found in a ripe banana!)
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have...
I have only a small supply at this time...
As with ANY herbal product, please do your homework as I cannot give nor advise you medically
As with most herbs more is NOT better!!!
blessings and sweet knowing dreams!
Rev. Laura