Smooth, Serrated, or Nylon Tip - Beadsmith have a stainless steel Hemostat to suit your needs! 

The Hemostat clamp is a unique craft tool that has been borrowed from the medical profession. Because of its unique properties of being able to lock its jaws onto an object. I believe it is used for clamping veins etc in medicine.

In beading and craft, I have found it invaluable as a second pair of hands when it comes to knotting - especially with elastic. Any time some holding pressure is needed on a knot or such like and no one else is around - the Hemostat does the job, and does it perfectly. 

The width of the tapering jaws of the Serrated & Smooth hemostats at the point is 2mm, with a jaw length of 23mm and it has 3 locking stations for varying degrees of security in clamping. The overall length of both smooth & serrated jaw hemostats is 125mm. 

The Nylon Tip Hemostat has an overall length of 144mm, with a tip width of 4mm, and a jaw length of 32mm.

A guide to using hemostats;

Smooth Jaw - useful when using elastic, or any stringing which could be cut by the serrations of the serrated jaw.

Serrated Jaw - strong clamp with small serrations allowing for very secure grip.

Nylon Tip Jaw - perfect for preventing scratching or marring when working with wire etc.

Just make your selection from the drop-down menu, and then email us with the type of jaws you would like.