The best links available on the internet world today. 

Only few of them left !

SAFE for any of the Google's algorithm updates ( Penguin , Panda , Hummingbird ...) etc

SEO makes your website and its content attractive , relevant and visible to search engines and web searchers !

Why is this important

Consider what it would be like if No One could easily find your place of business, or even your telephone number. Most businesses could not continue for long in such a situation . The same thing can happen with your website if people cannot easily locate it .

SEO is the tool that can be used to insure that your site is listed as close as possible to the top of the relevant search results. Without SEO it will be as if those customers drive by your shop without even knowing that you are there ... 

Should SEO be important to you ? You Can Bank On It !!! NO links on spammy sites !  Expand your business today !

Here we come to help ! We offer you a customized SEO package for a  FULL  YEAR  at a special price !

12 Months SEO for your website : directory submissions , social bookmarking , high authority backlinks , actual page links , article submission , EDU links , social signals ... and much much more , as follows :

Month  1:   Efficient 25 Trusted Authority link pyramid ( Tire 1 ) combined with 2000 Forum Profiles links on quality pages ( as Tire 2 )  .

Month  2:   Over 200 quality mix backlinks on PR9-PR4 sites (root domain pr) .

Month  3:   Over 3500 Social Signals from TOP 3 networks .

Month  4:   400+ Maps Manually referring to your Google Places listing , to Optimized your Local place Business( if this service is not applicable for your business we can replaced it with high DA links ) .

Month  5:   50 PBN (private blog network) backlinks on high PA DA websites (Permanent , Trust Flow ,Citation Flow , Home-Page) 

Month  6:   45 Unique and Permanent links on PR9 - PR6 sites ( MattCutt recommended ) .

Month  7:   PDF submission is now becoming very popular in the field of online marketing ! Article Submission to TOP 80 PDF sharing sites .

Month  8:   Over 800 EDU Backlinks on good quality websites  . 

Month  9:   Over 70 Actual Page Links with your keywords .

Month 10:  15xPR8 + 15xPR7 Dofollow Profile Backlinks ( pr on root domain) .

Month 11:  500+  Social Bookmarks Submission .

Month 12: Over 600 WIKI Backlinks on High PR Pages .

I will do all the above tasks over the course of One FULL YEAR . This is entirely Penguin , Panda and Hummingbird 100% SAFE service ! 

It is the Most Natural and search engine Friendly Technique we have ever had !

Work is 96% manual and requires time , skills and in-depth knowledge about SEO . For those who do not know , SEO is a long term process and there are many factors search engines consider these days like the age of the site, URL name, image or file names on the site, anchor text and keywords in the content, competition ...etc , nothing will change overnight , therefore we take things SERIOUSLY and in a SAFE manner !

Full  Detailed  Report  Provided  Each  Month !

We need : your website URL , up to 6 Keywords and a short Description about your site / business , the rest remains in our care ...

NOTE : Please DO NOT submit Adult / Drugs / Violent / Gambling sites ! 

Any question , just let us know ... ! Thank you .