We no longer stock these.   Please purchase from our sole MG Rover Distributor 'Discount MG Rover Spares' (DMGRS).

 Brand New MG Rover Flip Key Fob with MG logo

A brand new flip key fob suitable for replacing the separate OEM key and Pektron fob (NOT Lucas).  Please note the key blade on this flip is custom made for us and is the correct blade for the cars below (similar items from other sellers have the wrong blade - you've been warned!).

Suitable for the MG Rover 25, ZR, 45 and ZS (NOT suitable for the MG F/TF)

Simply switch over the electronics board from your original fob to the new flip key fob and get the key blank cut to match your key.  After replacing the electronics board place the key fob cover in place and give the flip cover a twist (to give the key it's flip action) and screw on the cover.

Please carefully compare the key blade (NOT the plastic grip) to ensure it is the same.

** Please note no fob electronics are included in this auction **