Soy peptone is used for its broad nutrient spectrum and high vitamin and protein content. Soy peptone enriches agar powder mixes creating superior mixes for all sorts of cell cultures. Soy peptone is ideal for applications in Microbiology, Mycology (mushroom tissue culture) and fermentation.

This is genuine, laboratory grade, soy peptone and not "soy protein powder", which is commonly "mislabelled" as soy peptone. Soy peptone is physically similar and has some similar properties to malt extract powder, which  we also stock and is used in mushroom liquid cultures. Soy peptone dissolves fully in water, is extremely hygroscopic, i.e. strong affinity to water and will absorb moisture from surrounding air, as well as containing essential amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins, ideal for culture work. Whereas, soy protein powder, which has no use  in cell culture techniques, is a bread-like flour, will not dissolve in water and has none of the same properties as soy peptone; it is not used in Mycology or in cell cultures. 

Soy peptone content analysis:

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