Canon 300mm f2.8 IS neoprene lens protection & camouflage coat cover: English Oak

nb. The kit now includes a piece to cover the tripod mount (not shown in photograph)

As experts in lens cover design, our Neoprene covers offer:

 - Protection of your lens from knocks and scrapes.

 - Camouflage in a choice of colours (see our Ebay shop or "contact seller" for the range)

 - Comfort and insulation from handling cold lenses.

We manufacture our lens covers in the UK using the best quality materials:

 - Quality 3mm thick neoprene (poor protection if any thinner, thicker can get in the way)

 - Choice between our standard black lined fabrics or our "Premium" rubber backed fabrics.

 - Stitched with super strong thread to cope with all weather conditions.

 - "Over-lock" stitching to edges prevents wear and fraying.

nb. We supply our covers without a hole stamped for the hood screw fastening.  Please "contact seller" or call us if you would like us to stamp a hole for you.