Al-Arbain of Sha Wali Ad-Dihlawi

Collections Of Forty Hadiths - Collection One by Shah Wali Allah ad-Dihlawi.

In this collection, the great eighteenth century Hadith master, Shah Wali Allah, transmits forty hadith that he heard directly from his teacher, Sheikh Abu Tahir al-Madani, with an uninterrupted chain of transmission through Imam al-Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him).

About the author

Shah Wali allah was born in northern India in 1703 in a learned family descended from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him). as a young man, he studied the major hadith collections with his father, and then traveled to the Hijaz where he continued his studies with various eminent teachers, including Shaykh Abu Tahir al-Kurdi al-Madani through whom he transmits the hadiths in this collection. Shah Wali Allah composed some fifty works in total, including the Hujjat Allah al-Baligha (The Conclusive Argument from God), which is considered his prime achievement, and an early Persian translation of the Qur an, as well as a number of works treating Islamic legal methodologies and Sufi metaphysics.

Translated by Safaruk Zaman Chowdhury

Commentary by Shaykh Nemat Ullah A'zami and Marcia Hermanson

Cover: Paperback

Author: Shah Wali Allah ad-Dihlawi

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 48

Weight: 50(Gram)

Al-Arbain of Mullah Ali Al-Qari

The Beneficial Effusion in Forty Hadith on The Excellence of the Clear Qur'an - by Mulla 'Ali al-Qari

It is not possible to fully grasp the true gravity of the Qur'an, but this remarkable collection gathers forty hadith that each indicate the majesty of the Book of Allah. Whether describing the manifestation of the Qur'an as an intercessor on the Day of Judgement, or its effect on those who read it, every hadith in this collection is profoundly inspiring and likely to have a deeply transformative effect on the reader.

Translated by Mawlana Mohammad Mohammadi. Commentary by Mohamed Ansa & Mawlana Mohammad Mohammadi.

Mulla 'Ali al-Qari

Mulla 'Ali al-Qari, a Hanafi jurist, hadith expert, and theologian, was born and grew up in Herat, Afghanistan where he received his early Islamic education. He was deeply devoted to the Qur'an, and his mastery and precision of Qur'anic recitation and its science earned him the appellate al-Qari or the Qur'an reciter'. His scholarship was exacting and his output profuse having composed works a great number being encyclopedic in nature on just about every field and subfield of the traditional Islamic disciplines.

''A fluid translation of an invaluable work on the Prophetic hadiths related to the virtues of the Qur an by a leading hadith master. The commentary and referencing make this work of great benefit to anyone seeking to become of the people of the Qur an, whom the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) described as, the people of Allah and His most chosen.


Cover: Hardback

Author: Mulla 'Ali al-Qari

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 49

Size: 11 x 15.5 cm

Weight: 51(Gram)


Al-Arbain Excellence of the Clear Quran

The Beneficial Effusion in Forty Hadith on The Excellence of the Clear Qur'an - by Mulla 'Ali al-Qari

It is not possible to fully grasp the true gravity of the Qur'an, but this remarkable collection gathers forty hadith that each indicate the majesty of the Book of Allah. Whether describing the manifestation of the Qur'an as an intercessor on the Day of Judgement, or its effect on those who read it, every hadith in this collection is profoundly inspiring and likely to have a deeply transformative effect on the reader.

Translated by Mawlana Mohammad Mohammadi. Commentary by Mohamed Ansa & Mawlana Mohammad Mohammadi.

Mulla 'Ali al-Qari

Mulla 'Ali al-Qari, a Hanafi jurist, hadith expert, and theologian, was born and grew up in Herat, Afghanistan where he received his early Islamic education. He was deeply devoted to the Qur'an, and his mastery and precision of Quranic recitation and its science earned him the appellate al-Qari or the Qur'an reciter'. His scholarship was exacting and his output profuse having composed works a great number being encyclopedic in nature on just about every field and subfield of the traditional Islamic disciplines.


''A fluid translation of an invaluable work on the Prophetic hadiths related to the virtues of the Quran by a leading hadith master. The commentary and referencing make this work of great benefit to anyone seeking to become of the people of the Quran, whom the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) described as, the people of Allah and His most chosen.


Cover: Paperback

Author: Mulla 'Ali al-Qari

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 72

Size: 11 x 15.5 cm

Weight: 56(Gram)

Al-Arbain of Imam Jalal Ad-Din as-Suyuti

Collection of forty Hadiths on the Principle of Legal Judgements, Virtuous Actions and Asceticism - by Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti.

'Practical Application' is the common theme in Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti's collection of Hadiths. Each of the forty hadith in this book is striking by its immediate relevance; whether on questions of legal judgment, virtuous action, or asceticism, the reader will find lessons that can be applied in almost any situation.

Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti

Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti was a towering ninth century Egyptian scholar and is considered the reviver of his era. He was a prolific writer and has over 600 titles to his name, many of which are encyclopedic in nature and cover almost every science of his day. He traveled extensively to gather hadith, including Morocco, Chad, Syria, the Hijaz, Yemen and even India.

English translation by Aisha Bewley.

Cover: Paperback

Author: Imam Jalal al-Din as-Suyuti / Tr. Aisha Bewley

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 52

Size: 15.5 x 11

Weight: 50(Gram)

Al-Arba'in On the Mothers of the Believers

Collection Of Forty Hadiths on the Memorable Qualities of the Mothers of the Believers - by Abd ar-Rahman Ibn 'Asakir.

Beginning with biographical notes on the wives of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), Ibn 'Asakir takes the reader through a remarkable collection of hadith describing the virtues of the 'Mothers of the Believers', an appellation invested on the wives of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) by the Quranic text itself.

Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn 'Asakir

Born in a scholarly Damascene family in the 6th century (Hijri), Ibn 'Asakir became an accomplished jurist, hadith specialist, and a prolific author. His learning had a profound effect on him and he was noted for his asceticism, devotion, and tearfulness.

English translation by Aisha Bewley.

Cover: Paperback

Author: Abd ar-Rahman Ibn 'Asakir / Tr. Aisha Bewley

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 178

Size: 15.5 x 11 cm

Weight: 130(Gram)

Al-Arbain by Muhammad Ibn Jaffar al-Kattani

Collection Of Forty Hadiths - On the Duty of Loving the Noble Family of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)

In this collection of 42 hadith, al-Hafiz al-Kattani tackles a subject that has been neglected by modern Islam and yet is one that lies at the core of the religion, namely, the love of the noble family of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Al-Hafiz al-Kattani demonstrates categorically that to love the family of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is an integral part of Sunni Islam and a foundational attitude of the believer.

English translation by Safaruk Zaman Chowdhury

Muhammad Ibn Jafar al-Kattani

Al-Hafiz Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ja'far al-Kattani (b. 1273 AH) received his early religious education in his native Morocco, then traveled to Syria and the Hijaz to continue his studies with many of leading scholars of his time. He was a specialist of hadith but also mastered other sciences including Islamic jurisprudence. He was deeply involved in the political struggle against colonialism and was a great support to the legitimate Muslim rulers.

Cover: Paperback

Author: Muhammad Ibn Jaffar al-Kattani

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 69

Size: 11 x 15.5 cm

Weight: 57(Gram)

Al-Arba'in of Abd al-Rahman Jami (Chihil Kalima)

Al-Arba'in of Abd al-Rahman Jami. Forty Hadiths on Ethics and Practical Wisdom.


The Arba'in or Chihil Kalima of Jami is a choice collection of Traditions of the Blessed Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). The main emphasis is on cultivating high qualities of character. The compiler, a great Persian scholar and poet, further enriched his beautiful Hadith selection with pithy and eloquent paraphrases in verse. In this edition, Turath Publishing presents the original Arabic and Persian texts together with English translations of both. These are complemented by an introductory account of Jami and his works, and also by notes on both the content and the sources of the Hadiths. 


Translated by Muhammad Isa Waley. 

Mawlana Jami

Born near Kharjird in western Afghanistan, Abd al-Rahman Jami (d. 896/1492) was already a religious scholar of tremendous ability when he experienced a call to the Mystical Path. Settling in the Timurid capital of Herat, Jami embarked on a spiritual and intellectual journey that led him to produce some of the greatest didactic and lyric verse in the canon of classical Persian poetry, as well as prose works on a remarkably wide range of subjects, including metaphysics, ethics, jurisprudence, biography, and Arabic grammar.

  • Cover: Paperback
  • Author: Abd al-Rahman Jami
  • Publisher: Turath Publishing
  • Pages: 79
  • Size: 11 x 15.5 cm
  • Weight: 75(Gram)

    Al-Arbain - Elucidation of Forth Hadiths on Marriage

    In this collection of 40 ĥadīths, the author addresses a subject that affects most people – if not all: marriage. He deals with questions on the purpose and significance of marriage, and tackles more controversial areas including forced marriage, marrying without the permission of one’s parents, and domestic violence. The ĥadīths are supplemented by a generous commentary which goes beyond a simple explanation of the wording of the ĥadīth to include discussions on how the ĥadīth is to be operationalized, or put into practice, and what implication it has on marital life. about the author Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari is a traditionally-trained Islamic scholar who studied the Arabic language and various other Islamic sciences in different parts of the world including the UK, Pakistan, and Syria. He has authored many works including ‘Islamic Guide to Sexual relations’ and ‘birth Control & abortion in Islam’, and lectured extensively around the world on a range of topics. Presently, he resides in Leicester, UK, where he is a teacher of the Islamic sciences, and Director and researcher at the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence (Darul Iftaa,

    Al-Arba'in of Ahmad Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

    Al-Arba'in of Ahmad Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani - Forty Hadiths From Forty Companions Through Forty Shuyukh This is an opuscule of forty hadiths by Imam Ibn Hajar which he narrates from forty different Companions through forty shuyukh in a myriad of places; from the old Salihiyya quarter of Damascus to the Riyad al-Jannah in the Prophets (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) mosque. The book is a joy (al-Imta) to read since not only the subject matter is interesting but the actual isnads of the hadith with their special features. Writing forty hadith collections has been an old scholarly tradition tracing its origins to Abdullah ibn Mubarak and its justification going as far back as to the Prophet. In this respect, the reader becomes a part of this blessed historical tradition, especially with Ibn Hajars initiation of the book with the hadith al-musalsal bi al-awwaliyya. The Author Imam Ahmad ibn Ali al-Asqalani (d. 852/1448), famously known as Ibn Hajar after one of his ancestors is arguably the best hadith scholar of the Mamluk period. The Dhahabi of his time and the amir al-muminin of the hadith scholars. Suyuti says that he drank from the well of Zamzam and prayed to Allah to give him more knowledge than Shams ad-Din adh-Dhahabi. He is the author of over 300 books some going into lengthy volumes. He died on Friday 28 Dhi al-Hijja 852 hijri and was buried in al-Qarrafa, Cairo, now famously known as the City of the Dead (madinat al-mawta). 

    Al-Arba'in (11) Forty Hadiths on Virtues of Sham: Mufti Shabbir

    About The Book

    Sham is an area which encompasses modern-day Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, parts of Northern Egypt, parts of Southern Turkey and parts of Western Iraq. 

    A land sanctified by the Quran itself and blessed in the prayers of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), Sham is a region of momentous importance and consequence and is now a witness to violent convulsions and turmoil. 

    In this indispensable collection, the author presents forty hadith about Sham, its virtues with a short commentary and biographies of the Companions who lived and died here.

    About The Author

    Sheikh al-Hadith Mufti Shabbir Ahmed Sahib is one of the leading scholars of the UK. 

    He teaches the sciences of hadith, Quranic exegesis, and jurisprudence at Dar al-Ulum Al-Arabiya Al-Islamia in Bury, Manchester and serves as its Grand Mufti. 

    He studied under many distinguished scholars, most notably Sheikh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Yunus Jawnpuri in Saharanpur, India. 

    He also has authorizations in the hadith sciences from Sheikh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Sahib (May Allah have mercy on him).