Tubes are NOS with same and different dates

Video demonstration:

The 6E1P electron-ray valve has been designed to give visual indication of resonance in radio receivers for correct tuning. Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide-coated. Equivalent to the 6BR5 / EM80.

Name                                    6E1P

                   Type                                      light indicator

                       Application                          Tuning indicator

                             Cathode type                      oxide,indirect heating

                   Envelope                              glass,miniatur

Mass,g                                  20

Filament voltage,V            6,3

                Filament current,A            0,275-0,325

  Anode voltage,V                100

       Anode current,A                 0,002

   Anode power,W                  0,2

             Grid1 voltage,V                    minus 2

     Steepness,mA/V                   0,5

      Microphnic noise,mV          100

             Gain                                         14-34

         Socket type                  rsh8