As we know: Water, without fail, is our most precious resource as it contains much nutrition your body needs to operate correctly. Our  Magnetic Water Conditioner will create an unlimited supply of magnetic "soft " water. This means minerals, which have a tendency to clump together will now instead push away from each other making them smaller and as a result, easier to assimilate into your body. This is a good thing as many in the world are mineral deficient. In addition, magnetic fields also promote healing.

How does it works?

As attached picture shown, while the water pass through our device, they will be softened and magnetized.
About Hard Water: Basically, water moves through the earth dissolving minerals, holding them in solution as salts, consisting mainly of calcium and magnesium. Most of these salts eventually deposit themselves as scale in your pipes, water heaters and other appliances which use water. Scale build-up is the result of a natural crystallization process which is accelerated by heating. The energy loss of trying to heat water through scale is substantial. A one-half inch thick layer of scale in your water heater will retard heat transfer by up to 70%.
The strong NdFeB magnet part Forces +/- hydronium temporarily into cathode to exchange water molecule and mineral hydronium,makes Ca2+/Mg2+to unite electron, and has no cation function temporarily.
Hence, even heating, it doesn't unite hydronium---for example So42-, The part makes water not to scale any more.
Magnetic filter part makes water soft, and scale will be never produced in water pipe.

◆ Simply installed around the outside of the piping. 
   No tools-no cutting of water lines required,install Magnetic by following instruction  picture.Magnetic is held around the water pipe by supplied cable ties.
◆Magnetic contains a powerful permanent magnets, so it can be used permanently without an external power source.
◆ Improves water quality without using chemicals, so there is no worry about secondarypollution.
◆ Since it is installed outside the piping, it is maintenance free.

                        What is Hard Water?
Magnetic Descaler will take care of that clogging scalepipe with scale

Just look at the pile of limescale which came from these .
agnetic technology is that high voltage (230V, 3-phase or above) power lines interfere with operation by imposing a second magnetic field on the water. (This is most noticeable when these electric power sources are installed within three feet of a magnetic device.) This second magnetic field most likely will not be aligned with the magnetic field of the device, thus introducing interference and reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Installations near high voltage power lines are to be avoided if possible. Where avoidance is not possible, the installation of shielded equipment is recommended to achieve optimum operation. Some manufacturers also have limitations on direction of installation--vertical or horizontal--because of internal mechanical construction.Other Benefits
As water moves through soil and rock, it dissolves very small amounts of minerals and holds them in solution. Calcium and magnesium dissolved in water are the two most common minerals that make water "hard." The degree of hardness becomes greater as the calcium and magnesium content increases.

Water is a good solvent and picks up impurities easily. Pure water -- tasteless, colorless, and odorless -- is often called the universal solvent. When water is combined with carbon dioxide to form very weak carbonic acid, an even better solvent results.

As water moves through soil and rock, it dissolves very small amounts of minerals and holds them in solution. Calcium and magnesium dissolved in water are the two most common minerals that make water "hard." The degree of hardness becomes greater as the calcium and magnesium content increases.

How do the Magnetic Water Softener work?

Very simply to be installed around the water pipe. By passing the water through an ultra-powerful focused flux magnetic field, these minerals and other materials become suspended in the water - losing their ability to stick to things. This effect is so durable, it takes almost 2 full days before the elements in the water start to regain their bonding power.

In most homes, this is more than enough time for your water to travel from where it enters the home to when it goes down the drain and into the sewage system.

 What are the benefits of Our Water Softener?

In just a few months you will begin to save money from energy savings. 
Over the years you will save money because your plumbing, fixtures and appliances will last longer.
The scale in your plumbing will be greatly reduced in just a few months.
Your water heater will use less fuel and will last longer.
After just a few days when bathing your skin will feel softer and not dry and itchy.