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Heat HolderLounge Socks

Feet need to be warm on the coldest of days, so pull on a pair of Heat Holders, the ultimate thermal sock. 

Another version of Heat Holders' Slipper sock, these bed socks have grip on the bottom of the sock to give more security when walking on wooden or laminate floors. 

With a super soft cosy cuff, for extra comfort and warmth, in combination with the Heat Holder thermal properties, these lounge socks are certainly the best socks for the lazy winter sun.
TOG Rating

Thick, chunky with a massive tog rating of 2.34!

This means that they are over 7X warmer than the basic cotton sock (0.33 tog)!


This is as they have been made from a specially developed thermal yarn, which works to provide high performance insulation against the cold. This comes along with superior moisture breathing abilities. 


As well as this, the Heat Holders Loops produces a unique pile of cushioning which holds in even more warm air.

It also helps to keep your feet fully comfortable and supported throughout the long day.


These extreme socks have a expert brushing process, causing the inside to be not only sensationally soft.

This helps to maximise the amount of warm air held inside close to the skin making your feet warmer, for longer!

We also stock more great socks and products in Our Ebay Store