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Discovering My Gifts for Service ~ Paperback – June, 1984
by Knofel Staton (Author) ~ Publisher: Standard Pub
ISBN-10: 0872398102  ~  ISBN-13: 978-0872398108
Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 8.3 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces   ~   $7.77  (we do combine shipping)

Gifts?  "Not me, I don't have any gifts!"
Perhaps you've felt that way.  Perhaps you know others who have 
felt this way.  The truth is - all of Gods' people have spiritual gifts.  

You don't have to know what your gifts are to use them, but
discovering them will help you use them to the maximum.    This
book will help you discover them - then see how they become more
effective and rewarding.

**************FYI*******   ~   Our policies explained;

* The photographs in our listings are all done by us ~ we do not 
use stock photos ~ What you get is what you see! ~ Thank you for 
visiting our store. 

We examine, research and compare before we choose a fair price
for everything before we list. Then our evaluated price is based 
on what we invest, what it cost us to list with e-bay (listing fees 
every 30 days & re-listings) as well as our monthly store fee to 
be a member of the E-bay community. Both E-bay and Paypal 
receive a portion of the money and merchandise exchanges
between all of us and we strongly believe that they well-deserve
their share of it for all that they are providing to have made it
possible for you & me, as they service, organize and continue making
these great opportunities available for both shoppers and servers
of this wonderful cyber-world-experience. I love E-bay… it has
brought (and continues to bring) great interest and delight into
our lives. I hear complaints and negative tales about them - but if
one stops to consider the whole picture - one comes to appreciate
them greatly. We sure do! They are more than worth their share 
of the shopping transactions they have made possible and deserve
both recognition and appreciation of that fact.  Our listed price is
already "our best price" and why we usually decline such offers. 

We conscientiously evaluate the price we've based on our expenses. 
There are no packing or trip to post-office-fees. In many cases - we
just do it and absorb these expenses as part of a "yard-sale-like" 
hobby of recycling or being a part of doing what we can to stem the
tide of waste in a cheaper-to-throw-it-away era of mankind. This is
the reason that we do not accept counter (best price) offers - we 
have already considered all and given you our best price when listing.

Where possible, we will combine shipping for multiple-purchase 
savings on request of buyer.

If you have a problem with a purchase from us - please contact us 
and give us opportunity to deal with the situation.  We want 
you to be satisfied/pleased with your purchase. We are very 
careful in items we list and ship out. Our policy is the same as any 
other seller, we do not refund shipping to or from our location any 
more than a physical store pays a customer for the price of travel 
to and from sellers' location to purchase and return merchandise

We want you to be pleased (delighted even) with your E-bay shopping
experience with us and we will do all that we can to be a part of that
being such. Please keep in mind that the careful packaging (materials 
and time) and the taking to shipper location is a free gift (service) in
most cases - given by generous, caring individuals just like yourself. 

There are sharks in the ocean and deadly weather, we do well to 
remain aware of their existence - but the ocean is still a wondrous 
and beautiful thing covering more of the planet than the land we 
inhabit. There are countless sea-men, travelers and passengers that 
navigate the waters for us to experience the gentle, relaxing and 
profitable sailing transportations underway everywhere at all times. 
E-bay, and their buyers and sellers are altogether a great cyber-
ocean and we are proud and grateful to be a tiny part of it existing.

Best of all - E-bay allows us all to leave a much smaller footprint 
(using the resources of) the world we are leaving behind for the 
future of all living things.