This is a collection of high-quality PDF-format scans of 30 manuals related to the Douglas C-54 aircraft that was used in the Berlin Airlift. It was also known as the DC-4 in commercial use.  These are high-quality scans (400 lpi) with special care taken to make sure the half-tone images are legible and clear. All pages have been hand-edited for clarity. Minor imperfections have been corrected. There is a full-text index which allows quick and efficient search across all manuals. For instance, you can type in "electronic countermeasures" and get every manual where this is referenced.

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Manuals are as follows:

This is an illustrated parts catalog. It is very, very detailed with page after page of drawings of the internals. Many of the pages were in color. These ended up a bit washed out due to the yellowing of the pages. Sorry.
"Airplane Parts Catalog" TO 01-40NM-4 1944, 874p

This one is very cool and important - it is among the only documentation I've ever seen for the "electronic countermeasures" version of the C-54 (thus the designation "EC-54D"). It names and shows the location of each of the pieces of electronic equipment. It describes the cockpit controls for the extra equipment. It shows the extra antennas and receivers involved in early Cold-War era countermeasures.
"Supplement Illustrated Parts Breakdown" EC-54D TO 1C-54.E.D-4, 94p

These are the military "Erection and Maintenance" manuals, 3 different editions:
"Erection and Instructions for Army Models C-54A, C-54B, C-54D, C-54E and C-54G; Navy Models R5D-1, R5D-2, R5D-3, R5D-4 and R5d-5 Airplanes" AN 01-40NM-2 1946, 1005p
"Erection and Instructions for Army Models C-54A, C-54B, C-54D, C-54E and C-54G; Navy Models R5D-1, R5D-2, R5D-3, R5D-4 and R5d-5 Airplanes" AN 01-40NM-2 1947, 1016p
"Erection and Instructions for Army Models ZC-54A, C-54A, C-54B, C-54D, C-54E, C-54G and C-54M; Navy Models R5D-1, R5D-2, R5D-3, and R5d-4 Airplanes" AN 01-40NM-2 TO 1C-54B-2 1954, 1134p

I couldn't find a date for this manual, but it must have been around maybe 1944 or so. It look to be the manufacturer's manual, but it is published by Army Air Forces Materiel Command Center at Wright Field (Dayton, Ohio). This is a magnificent full-color manual with numerous 11x17 color fold-out pages. Every section of the aircraft is shown and explained.
"Familiarization and Inspection Manual for the C-54A", 477p

The military "Flight Manual" is to train the crew in the operation of the aircraft, but not so much about principles of operation or maintenance. Chapters are Description, Normal Procedures, Emergency Procedures, Auxillary Equipment, Operating Limitations, Flight Characteristics, Systems Operation, Crew Duties, All-Weather Operation, Performance Data. These manuals have the fuel consumption charts in varying conditions of altitude, temperature and humidity. Note that the 1967 manual does briefly mention the EC-54A "Electronic Countermeasures" version.
"Flight Manual USAF Series C-54, EC-54, HC-54, and TC-54; Navy Models C-54 Aircraft" NAVAIR 01-40NS-1 TO 1C-54D-1 1967

"Flight Manual USAF Series C-54, Navy Models R5D Aircraft" NAVWEPS 01-40NS-1 TO 1C-54D-1 1961
"Flight Manual Navy Models C-54 Aircraft" NAVWEPS 01-40NS-1 TO 1C-54D-1 1963
The "HC-54" model has a lot of specialized equipment for search and rescue, including nose radar.
"Flight Manual USAF Series C-54 and HC-54; Navy Models C-54 (R5D)" NAVWEPS 01-40NS-1 TO 1C-54D-1 1972

This is a check list for the routine inspections. Not clear how this relates to the inspections section of the "Familiarization and Inspection Manual".
"Handbook Inspection Requirements Models C-54 C-117 R4D" AN 01-40N-6 1953

The structural repair book is heavily illustrated showing all the struts, bracing, and sheet metal in the aircraft, section by section.
"Handbook Structural Repair Instructions USAF Series C-54, C-54(A,B,D,E,G); Navy Models R5d-(1,2,3,4,5)" AN 01-40NM-3, 200p, 1 February 1945, revised 27 September, 1949

"Structural Repair Instructions USAF Series C-54, AC-54, C-54(A, B, D, E, G, M), Navy Models C-54 Series" NAVWEPS 01-40NM-3 TO 1C-54A-3, 5 December 1962, 270p, Changed 2 March 1965

I read this manual and I'm still not sure what it is. It says that the purpose is to standardize the training and operation procedures to increase "safety and operational readiness". Whatever.
"C-54 NATOPS Manual"  1967, 120p

These are the cartoon-style pilot training manuals. Despite the presentation, they have a lot of important information about the differences between flying this aircraft and other similar aircraft such as the big 4-engine bombers.
"Pilot Training Manual" 51-129-3, 200p, 1945
"Pilot Training Manual for the Skymaster" AAF Manual 50-14, 200p, date uncertain

Typewritten and mimeographed notes, obviously by people actually using and maintaining the aircraft.
"Trouble Shooting & Inspection Procedures" 1954, 180p

These are the commercial maintenance manuals for the non-military versions:
"TWA Maintenance Manual" 1947, 200p - typewritten and mimeographed.
"C-54E-DC - Service Manual Douglas Aircraft", 350p, 1946 - This one has great illustrations of all parts of the plane

Maintenance Manual TO 1C-54D-2 - This is a series of at least 11 volumes, of which 7 are included in this collection. I actually haven't been able to figure out exactly how many volumes are in the series. Manuals included are these:

"General Airplane" TO 1C-54D-2-1 1971, 156p - This manual is a miniature version of the entire series. Chapters include handling, servicing, lubrication, airframe group operating instructions, landing gear, pneudraulics, power plant, fuel system, instruments, electrical power and distribution, radio, communications.

"Ground Handling Servicing and Airframe Maintenance" TO 1C-54D-2-2 1971, 204p. Chapters include mooring and ground handling, servicing, lubrication, airframe group maintenance, fuselage, wing, empennage, power plant controls, brake control system, steering control system, fire extinguisher control system, flare control system

"Pneudraulics" TO 1C-54C-2-3, 250p. Hydraulic system, Landing gear hydraulics, wing flap hydraulics, cowl flap hydraulics, windshield wiper system, snti-icing system, heating and ventilating systems

"Power Plant" TO 1C-54D-2-4. This manual covers the Pratt&Whitney R-2000-4 14-cylinder engines. Manual covers maintenance, propellers, and more.

"Electrical System" TO 1C-54D-2-7 1958, 110p. Power supply, lighting, landing gear circuits, pneudraulics circuits, fuel system circuits, and more

"Landing Gear" TO 1C-54D-2-9 1957, 156p. Structure, hydraulics, normal control system, emergency control system, nose gear steering system, more.

"Wiring" TO 1C-54D-2-11 1958, 162p. Pneudraulics wiring diagrams, fuel system wiring diagrams, instruments, wiring systems, more.

I include 4 manuals for the Pratt&Whitney R-2000 "Twin Wasp" engines used on the C-54. These were the updated versions of the venerable R-1820 engines used on the C-47 "Gooney Bird"
"R-2000 D-Series Overhaul Manual" 426p - 1943
"R-2000 Twin Wasp 2SD13-G and D5 Engines Maintenance Manual" 200p - 1948
"R-2000 Twin Wasp 2SD13-G D3 and D5 Engines Illustrated Parts Catalog" 170p - 1981. Note the date of this one. This means that those engines, and probably these aircraft were still in common use as late as the 1980s. Remarkable!
"R-2000-4 Handbook Overhaul Instructions TO R-2000-23" - 1957. This military manual is actually more detailed than the manufacturers' manuals with more close-up halftone photographs.