Durian (2.5kg)

Thai Name: Durian Monthong

Durian is possibly the most notorious of fruits found in Thailand. The reason for this notoriety is the strong smell which the ripe Durian fruit gives off. Most hotels, buses and air carriers actually operate a strict no Durian policy due to the pungent aroma that Durian has.

Durian has earned the name “King of Fruits” and despite its strong smell, it is easy to see why. The mature fruit is roughly the size of a basket ball, dark green, with large spikes. The skin is tough, and the pulpy, stringy outer flesh is extremely tough to cut and entirely inedible. The actual part of the Durian which is eaten is only the very small internal core. A white to light yellow kernel, soft and very light. The taste is singular, although it resembles custard, with a little citreous tang.

Durian production is seasonal, with most crops being ready sometime in May (depending upon the weather). At this time Durian can be found on any street corner, usually piled high upon the back fo a pickup truck, and sold inexpensively. At other times of the year the price of Durian raises dramatically, and at these times it is the most expensive non-imported fruit which can be purchased in Thailand.

Durian is most usually eaten alone, simply as a snack fruit, and it can be purchased, ready prepared, from any supermarket. Occasionally Durian will be used in the preparation of foods, most notably ice cream, or less frequently, as part of a recipe for a flat cake.

Nutrition wise, Durian is something of an odd fruit. Unlike most other fruits it can be somewhat unhealthy to eat in large quantities. Durian contains a lot of sugar and fats, although on the plus side it does also contain protein and carbohydrate, along with potassium and vitamin C.

This fruit is only usually available between the months of May and August. Outside these months, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to procure it from Thailand.

Fresh produce of Thailand.

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