HUGE Altar Palmstone

Kali Goddess Pleiadian Included Lava Stone 

ocean tumbled and collected many years ago

by a resident of Cooke Island Hawaii

Size of Stone:

Size of stone:

110 mm longest

90 mm widest

35 mm thickest



827.1 grams

or almost 30 ounces

or almost 2 lbs!!!


Key Words: Fire, Fire Allies,The Phoenix
Chakra: Root(1st)
Element: Fire

Lava rock is the physical embodiement of fire. It started as molten lava and formed into rock. It is the only stone that I know of that is a physical form of what was once solely fire. It is an incredibly powerful stone for anyone born under a fire sign in their astrology, or for anyone who needs more fire in their lives. Lava rock can be used to develop a relationship with the Fire Allies, the energy that is fire, bringing about swift action towards long-sought after goals. The energy of fire is direct, powerful, impassioned, and headstrong. It can be very useful for those who are indecisive, timid,or who generally feel weak.Lava rock can also help one develop stronger ties with the earth, beacuse it was once of one elemental form:fire, and has now transmuted to anotehr elemental form: earth. It can also be beneficial for fire signs who feel they are "too fiery", by bringing a natural balance with the blending of earth's grounded energies into the often "too quick to act" nature of fire sign people.


Basalt encourages compassionate detachment and supports anyone going through intense changes. It also assists with emotional tranquility, stability and patience. It offers a sense of wellbeing and peace. It helps to allow creativity to flow through the user.  It is protective and reflects negativity. It is associated with the Third Chakra (solar plexus.)

Citrine is called a Stone of Manifestation and Success.  Citrine is said to be beneficial for business and commerce. It’s been known to bring good fortune and happiness, - sometimes in very unexpected ways!  It has been used to promote success and abundance for countless generations. Citrine is said to enhance confidence and mental clarity.
It is also used for letting go of outmoded beliefs, fears, thoughts and desires that do not serve us.  It’s been used to help with nightmares and is thought to help with OCD – obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s used for digestive problems and helps to clear third chakra blockages. It is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra.

Peridot   Repels negative energies, supports efforts to uncover one’s own role in attacks from other people.  Useful in letting go of envy and jealousy.


Pleiadian Stone…a very fiery and protective stone from the oceans of the pacific, melding the fire of the earth with the peaceful calm of the oceans, this stone is a combination of basalt lava, peridot and citrine…It forcefully repels negativity both from the outside of the wearing/holder and allows for rapid release of beliefs, fears, thoughts and desires that no longer serve us allowing for positive manifestation and success. It is direct, powerful, impassioned and headstrong while allowing for deep grounding.  Because of these properties  she provides the clearing of the third chakra to allow for deep connection with those star beings known as the Pleiadians. Meditation and conscious work with this stone will allow the lightworker to access direct communications and downloads of knowledge from this source if it is so intended. This stone is very soothing to those who have too much fire energy within themselves and has been known to help those with OCD. A bridge builder of balance within and between the worlds.

What a POWERFUL combination of crystal and stones that embody the 5th dimension and helps to facilitate your connection to it!

Calming, fiery, releasing, opening!

If you have any questions please ask!

If this is calling you...


blessings and thanks for looking!


Rev. Laura

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