A Mud Stand is an amplifier stand that acoustically isolates your amp from the stage. It totally eliminates the muddy tone that you get when you place your amp directly (or in a metal amp stand) onto a hollow stage. No more backing off your bass or cranking your mids to try and eliminate the mud tone. 

When you place your amp on a hollow stage, your amp bonds with the stage and usually picks up nasty resonant frequencies from the stage. Your ears and the audience's ears hear this as a muddy or boomy tone. It can be very frustrating. You dial back your bass, doesn't help. You cut back on your reverb, doesn't help. You crank your mids and then you have a muddy tone with harsh mids. It can drive you crazy. The answer is to acoustically break the bond between the amp and the stage. The Mud Stand does just this. Because it is made of acoustic foam, it isolates your amp and makes your amp sound like your amp and not like what it is sitting on. 

The Mud Stand is only made of three components that assemble in seconds when you are setting up for your gig. The Mud Stand tears down even faster. All three components have internal magnets that almost cause the pieces to jump together when you are tearing down. All three pieces magnetically lock together to form a nice tight package for easy transport to your car, van or bus. You can carry it with one finger. Because there are no metal components in the Mud Stand, it will not scratch up your amp, guitar case or car's interior when you pack up your gear. 

When we designed the Mud Stand we experimented with several different angles to find the optimum amp angle for small stages, when you are playing right up against your amp, and big stages where your amp is sitting back away from you. You are going to be amazed at how much better your amp sounds with it just sitting at the optimum angle. This, together with cutting out the muddy tones on hollow stages, makes a dramatic improvement in your tone.

Give the Mud Stand a try. You will soon throw away your metal amp stand. Guitar players, Harp Players, Fiddle Players, Bass players, Keyboard players and Steel Guitar players all love the Mud Stand. 

The Mud Stand will hold amps up to 21" tall and 70 lbs. Note: Your amp must be at least 15" wide to fit on this amp stand.

Have a small practice or recording amp like a Fender Champ? Check out our other auctions to see the Mud Stand Mini version.

We ship the same day we receive your order or the next business day at the latest.


Be sure and tell your musician friends about the Mudstand!