This quality mosaic print art was created
using over 200 of the greatest past & present NY YANKEES from 1900-present.

All your favorite Yankee players are shown and included with your print is a
free 8x10" thumbnail image print showing each players face by name.

Designed by seamlessly blending player images into one main image to create a cohesive image of the logo or Stadium.
Simply hang and start searching for your favorite players!
  • "After 4 years I have finally bought my husband a gift he loved. Thank you so much for making me wife of the year!"
  • "This is amazing! Can't wait to give it to my friend for his birthday! I am sure he will love it. Thanks and I am sure I will be back"
  • "Incredible piece of art at any price let alone a deal like this. Lightning fast delivery and good communication from seller.
  • Wonderful addition for my barber shop. FATHERS DAY IS COMING forget the golf balls and get this for Dad. Beautiful job"

1) 8X10" Matted only Print with an 11x14" matte.  (Total size with matte is 11x14".
Mounted on an acid free matte, with a thick hard foam core backing.)

2) 8x10" Framed Print with an 11x14" black frame. (Total size with frame is 11x14".
Glass frame ready to hang out of the box. Frame color is black with a deep 3/4" wood molding.)

3) 16x20" Print only (YANKEE STADIUM ONLY)  (Printed on high quality premium luster photo paper, using chromed-based ink for longer lasting prints.
(The ink is said to last about 100 years)

4) 16x20" Framed and Matted. (Yankees Stadium Only)  (Total size is 20x24") Shipped mounted and ready to hang in a 20x24" black wood frame.
The frame is black and 1 ¼  thick with styrene glass.
Styrene is type of thermoplastic that is .035 of an inch thick. Styrene weighs roughly half as much as glass and is more shatter resistant than glass.
It is a better insulator than glass and is less likely to accumulate condensation.

5) 20x25"  Canvas

SHIPPING TIMES BY VARIATIONS: (All shipping is free) (Shipped within 1-2 days of order)

8x10" Matted Prints
Shipped USPS First Class.  (2-5 days from ship date)

8x10" Framed
Items are shipped USPS Priority mail.  (1-2 days from ship date) Shrink wrapped and covered in thick brown paper, packed with plenty of cushion.

16x20" Print only:
Shipped USPS First Class (2-5 days from ship date) All posters are professionally packaged to ensure that they arrive safely and undamaged: 
Your poster is first rolled and inserted into a plastic sleeve. That sleeve is then placed into a Heavy-Duty mailing tube and securely sealed.

16x20" Framed:
24x20" frames  are shipped UPS Ground or USPS Priority and take about 1-4 business days. 
Shipping time depends on the ship to location. Example: East coast orders 1-3 days, west coast 3-4 days.

**Please note we do not ship the Framed (8x10" or 16x20") outside the United States. We will ship the Matted only or print only.


Alou_Matty Headley_Chase O'Neill_Paul
Bauer_Hank Henderson_Rickey Page_Joe
Beltran_Carlos Henrich_Tommy Pennock_Herb
Berra_Yogi Hernandez_Orlando Pepitone_Joe
Betances_Dellin Howard_Elston Peterson_Fritz
Blair_Paul Howe_Steve Pettite_Andy
Blomberg_Ron Hoyt_Waite Pineda_Michael
Boggs_Wade Huggins_Miller Piniella_Lou
Boyer_Clete Hughs_Phil Pipgras_George
Brosius_Scott Hunter_Catfish Pipp_Wally
Byrne_Tommy Irabu_Hideki Posada_Jorge
Cabrera_Melky Jackson_Reggie Randolph_Willie
Cano_Robinson Jeter_Derek Richardson_Bobby
Castro_Starlin John_Tommy Rivera_Mariano
Cerone_Rick Johnson_Randy Rivers_Mickey
Chambliss_Chris Jones_Andrew Rizzuto_Phil
Chandler_Spud Justice_David Robertson_David
Chapman_Aroldis Keeler_Willie Rodriquez_Alex
Chapman_Ben Keller_Charlie Rogers_Kenny
Chase_Hal Knoblauch_Chuck Rolfe_Red
Chesbro_Jack Kubek_Tony Ruffing_Red
Clemens_Roger Kuroda_Hiroki.jpeg Ruth_Babe
Coleman_Jerry LaPorte_Frank Sabathia_CC
Collins_Joe Larsen_Don.jpeg Sain_Johnny
Combs_Earle Lazzeri_Tony Sanchez_Gary
Cone_David Leiter_Al Shocker_Urban
Cree_Birdie Leyritz_Jim Skowron_Bill
Crosetti_Frank Lopat_Eddie Soriano_Alfonso
Damon_Johnny Lopez_Hector Spencer_Jim
Dent_Bucky Lyle_Sparky Steinbrenner_George
Dickey_Bill Mantle_Mickey Stengel_Casey
DiMaggio_Joe Maris_Roger Stottlemyre_Mel
Downing_Al Martin_Billy Strawberry_Darryl
Ellsbury_Jacoby Martin_Russell Suzuki_Ichiro
Fisher_Ray Martinez_Tino Swisher_Nick
Ford_Whitey Matsui_Hideki Tanaka_Mashiro
Gamble_Oscar Mattingly_Don Teixeira_Mark
Gardner_Brett McCann_Brian Tiant_Luis
Gehrig_Lou McCarthy_Joe Tidrow_Dick
Giambi_Jason Meusel_Bob Torre_Joe
Girardi_Joe Michael_Gene Tresh_Tom
Gomez_Lefty Mize_Johnny Turley_Bob
Gordon_Tom Mogridge_George Wells_David
Gossage_Rich Munson_Thurman White_Roy
Granderson_Curtis Murcer_Bobby Williams_Bernie
Gregorius_Didi Murphy_Johnny Winfield_Dave
Guidry_Ron Mussina_Mike Woodling_Gene