This unique mosaic is made up of over 200 of the greatest Cub players from 1876-2022 and recently updated with all the current players from the 2016 World Series roster!

Created by color matching various areas of the main image with the facial images of the players. So what appears as just a photo of the main logo when viewed from a distance is actually made up of players faces and very noticeable when viewed a few feet away.

My unique process allows you see clearly see the players faces without compromising the main image.

All your favorite Cubs players are shown and included with your print is a free 8x10" thumbnail image or “cheat sheet” showing by name the players in the Mosaic. (You can see who is in the mosaic by clicking the last two images above.)


* Includes a free double sided contact image sheet that list each player included in the mosaic by name. (see below for complete list of players)
Professionally printed on high quality archival premium luster photo paper with chrome based ink to ensure a long lasting life without color fading.
* Shipped FAST, within 1-2 days of your order. (See below for more shipping information by variation)
* Money back, no hassle returns, if your not completely satisfied.



1) 8X10" Matted only Print with an 11x14" blue matte and red boarder. (Total size with matte is 11x14". Mounted on an acid free matte, with a thick hard foam core backing.)

2) 8x10" Framed Print with an 11x14" black frame and blue matte. (Total size with frame is 11x14". Glass frame ready to hang out of the box. Frame color is black with a deep 3/4" wood molding.)

3) 16x20" Print only, with a red boarder on print.  (Printed on high quality premium luster photo paper, using chromed-based ink for longer lasting prints. (The ink is said to last about 100 years)

4) 16x20" Framed and Matted print with a 20x24" black wood frame and BLACK matte.

The Clean cut frame is a clean and consistent, modern, contemporary profile made from a solid real wood (BonanaWood*) with a beveled edge. The frame is black and 1 ¼? thick with styrene glass. ***BonanaWood, is a solid material with a very smooth, fine-textured surface. It cuts like pine and readily accepts nails and hangers. BonanaWood provides the expressive finish and look of solid wood.
** Styrene is type of thermoplastic and comes in a flexible sheet that is .035 of an inch thick. Styrene weighs roughly half as much as glass and is more shatter resistant than glass. It is a better insulator than glass and is less likely to accumulate condensation.

Adams_Terry Davis_Jody Jose_Hernandez Reitz_Ken
Aguilera_Rick Dawson_Andre Jurges_Billy Reuschel_Rick
Alexander_Grover Dean_Dizzy Kaufmann_Tony Rizzo_Anthony
Alou_Moises Dejesus_Ivan Kelly_George Rondon_Hector
Amalfitano_Joey Demaree_Frank Kessinger_Don Root_Charlie
Anderson_Bob Dempster_Ryan Kindall_Jerry Rosello_Dave
Anson_Cap Dillard_Steve Kiner_Ralph Ross_David
Archer_Jimmy Drabowsky_Moe Kingman_Dave Russell_Addison
Arrieta_Jake Duffy_Hugh Klein_Chuck Russell_James
Ashburn_Richie Dunston_Shawon Klippstein_Johnny Ruthven_Dick
Baez_Javier Durham_Leon Krukow_Mike Ryan_Jimmy
Baker_Dusty Eckersley_Dennis Lackey_John Saier_Vic
Baker_Gene Ellsworth_Dick Lazzeri_Tony Samardzija_Jeff
Banks_Ernie Elston_Don Lee_Derrek Sandberg_Ryne
Barret_Micheal English_Woody Leiber_Hank Sanders_Scott
Beck_Rod Erickson_Paul Leonard_Dutch Santo_Ron
Becket_Glen Evers_Johnny Lester_Jon Sauer_Hank
Berg_Justin Flack_Max Lieber_Jon Schulte_Frank
Bertell_Dick Fondy_Dee Lilly_Ted Schwarber_Kyle
Blackwell_Tim Fontenot_Mike Lindstrom_Freddie Serena_Bill
Blauser_Jeff Fowler_Dexter Livingston_Mickey Smith_Lee
Block_Cy Foxx_Jimmy Lowrey_Peanuts_Harry Soler_Jorge
Bonham_Bill French_Larry Maddon_Joe Soriano_Alfonso
Bowa_Larry Fukudome_Kosuke Maddux_Greg Sosa_Sammy
Bresnahan_Roger Galan_Augie Madlock_Bill Soto_Geovany
Brewer_Jim Garza_Matt Malone_Pat Stephenson_Riggs
Briggs_Button Girardi_Joe Maranville_Rabbit Stevens_Jeff
Brock_Lou Gonzalez_Alex Marmol_Carlos Stringer_Lou
Brosnan_Jim Gordon_Tom Marshall_Sean Sutcliffe_Rick
Brown_Mordecai Gossage_Rich Matthews_Gary Sutter_Bruce
Bryant_Clay Grace_Mark McGlothen_Lynn Swisher_Steve
Bryant_Kris Griffith_Clark Merkle_Fred Theriot_Ryan
Buckner_Bill Grimes_Burleigh Minner_Paul Thomas_Frank
Buechele_Steve Gura_Larry Monday_Rick Tidrow_Dick
Burgess_Smokey Guzman_Angel Morandini_Mickey Tinker_Joe
Byrd_Marion Hack_Stan Morgan_Mike Trachsel_Steve
Caray_Harry Hacker_Warren Moyer_Jamie Trout_Steve
Cardenal_Jose Hammel_Jason Mueller_Bill Tyler_Lefty
Cardwell_Don Hands_Bill Mulholland_Terry Vaughn_Hippo
Castro_Starlin Hartnett_Gabby Murcer_Bobby Walker_Rube
Cavarretta_Phill Hendley_Bob Myers_Randy Wendell_Turk
Cey_Ron Hendricks_Kyle Nicholson_Bill Wilhelm_Hoyt
Chance_Frank Hendrix_Claude Niekro_Joe Williams_Billy
Chapman_Aroldis Herman_Babe O'Farrell_Bob Williams_Cy
Chipman_Bob Herman_Billy Orie_Kevin Wilson_Hack
Chiti_Bob Heyward_Jason Overall_Orval Wood_Kerry
Clarkson_John Hickman_Jim Pafko_Andy Wood_Travis
Clement_Matt Hill_Glenallen Pappas_Milt Zambrano_Carlos
Contreras_Willson Holtzman_Ken Perez_Neifi Zimmer_Don
Corcoran_Larry Hooton_Burt Piniella_Lou Zimmerman_Heinie
Cotter_Hooks Hornsby_Rogers Prior_Mark Zobrist_Ben
Cuyler_Kiki Irvin_Monte Ramirez_Aramis
Dahlen_Bill Jenkins_Fergie Regan_Phil