All band , wide band Vertical antenna by Fat Spectrum Antenna, LLC

 Patented  Antenna.  

Please see eHam Reviews     �

All Band Low VSWR, Please see the SWR chart included in photos using 18 feet of RG213 and a RigExpert AA-170 Analyzer. 50 ohm great match antenna for your Solid state, SDR or Tube final Transceiver. Covers the entire frequency spectrum from below 160 meters through 6 meters with no tuning or adjusting the antenna. It will handle 1600 watts PEP or 400 watts CW/AM without issues. Great for DX and Local communications.  Easy set up about 10 minutes or so with a crescent wrench and a screwdriver. If you want to go portable just collapse it down and throw it in the back of  your truck, it is 43" tall when collapsed. The initial set up is that you take it out of the box and fit the vertical elements, tighten the clamps, mount it on your support mast up to 1-3/4 inches in diameter, connect any length of your coaxial cable of RG8 , RG213, LMR400, RG8X or equivalent and you are done!  No Tuning or adjustments needed for this antenna!  Covers 160m, 80m,75m, 60m,40m,30m,20m,17m,15m,12m,11m,10m,6m, And everything in between!!


Low VSWR.   No complicated add ons, No tuners, No ground radials, No Baluns, No Traps, No coils or taps to mess with, no adjustments needed.  I have worked many DX and US stations with this antenna!  IT works very Well!  It's perfect to keep you on the air during all kinds of weather. Use it as your primary antenna as I do!  Just a good antenna to keep you on all bands at all times. Great back up for emergencies!! Great for restricted space situations.


This is fully compatable with all radios from the tube type of the 1930's to todays CPU 2017 solid state radios and FLEX-5000™ Software Defined Radios as stated from a happy customer.

. Marine Radios as well, No ground radials required as it has an Internal built in Current path! Note: This may not out perform a Full Sized 1/4 or 1/2 wave perfectly tuned mono-band vertical tuned at that band with a good ground radial system. This antenna is about convenience and ease of use and will perform very well with good all band broad band matching without a tuner or ground radials. As with all verticals, this one will also work better with a good ground system for added performance.

The design of this antenna has an Excellent Signal to noise ratio and greatly reduces man made and terrestrial electrical interference so you can hear the weak signals where you could not before.

Antenna is Guaranteed for 1 year from defective materials and workmanship. 

Please ask any and all questions you may have, I will answer truthfully.


·       Length-----20 feet

·       Vertical----Omni-Directional pattern

·       Frequency-From below 160m continuously through 6m (160m,80m,75m,60m,40m,30m,20,m17m,15m,12m,11m,10m,6m)

·       Power input-----1600 PEP SSB/ 500 CW/AM

·       VSWR------1.0:1 to 2.1:1 worse case

·       Impedance: 34-52 ohms typical

·       Connection----UHF Coaxial S0239

·       Weight-----6lbs approximate

·       Mast size---1.50 to 1.75 inches

Strong Cast Aluminum housing Box

Mast to mount antenna on is NOT Included ( Suggest using 1.75" Dia steel Fence post tubing)  

·       No Radials or counter poise needed, Radials can improve performance if you choose to use them.

·       No Tuner needed . (Can be used with a tuner but not needed)

·       Wind survival---80 MPH +


 ·     Frequency Range--- 15 KHz through 156 Mhz

     Lightning tested without damage to physical structure. Repaired Free!

     ·    Hand made right here in the USA. Stainless steel hardware used throughout.

     Here is a feed back from a buyer with a nice 60 foot Boat and here is what he had to say about The Fat Spectrum  Antenna!


    Hi Carl,

    I couldn't wait for the weekend and got the antenna up yesterday. Very easy to put up, a very well made antenna. I'm just getting back into ham radio and do not have my license yet. (Next month). I went through radio school in the army and was hooked. Now that I have retired I have the time. One of my neighbors here is a ham and came over last night and we checked it out. I must say we were very impressed. Just using the built in tuner on my Ten Tec Jupiter it tuned 1:01 on 20, 40, & 80. My friend couldn't believe it and kept checking it. He quickly made contacts in Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, N. Carolina, Florida. On 20m he made contact somewhere in South America but his Spanish wasn't good enough to really understand much. All this on 100 watts or less. I think being on the water really helps at times. I'll get you some photos this weekend. Once again, very pleased.
    Thanks, Rodney
    And Another good customer said:
    Dear carlh1979,

    I received the antenna base today. I couldn't wait for the
    rest of the antenna to thaw out, so I brought it into my house to warm up.
    Fortunately my wife wasn't home to shake her head and give me that "Are you
    nuts?" look.

    I reassembled the antenna and put it back up, frozen
    fingers and all.
    This thing is amazing! My MFJ-269 shows nothing over
    1.7:1, on ALL bands. It tests just as good with my FLEX 5000. If it holds
    up through the winter, this may be the best antenna that I have had for the
    past 10 years.

    I am going to test it further, after the snow melts, with
    my 214 cable. I'll let you know what I find.
    Thanks for your dedication
    to perfection. It has paid off with me, and I'll be happy to spread the

    Mike ****

    New message from: c*****(367Turquoise Star)

    Just an update if you want to use it in your ads.

    I have been using the antenna for awhile now and did put extra grounding on the unit and that improves everything. I also bought a Yeasu VL-1000 linear amplifier and that amp has it's own tuning, and it tunes EVERYTHING. Running half power on 110v and it gets out very well. I did add a 1:1 Balun when I put on the linear.

    Had some hefty wind storms and it has survived those as well. Very Pleased with this antenna, especially as I have close neighbors and very little property to work with.