For sale is an "Easing the Pattern #2 - Windy" pattern for Iplehouse EID girls or similar sized BJD dolls.  This is a very simple, fast dress pattern.  I have several other patterns for this size doll if you would care to check them out.  Shipping/handling will be $3.00 for one pattern, first class mail within the continental United States.  My preferred method of payment is Paypal.

The measurements of the Iplehouse EID Girl body are as follows:

Height:  65 cm
Circumference of neck:  10.5 cm
Circumference of chest: 29.5 cm/32cm
Width of shoulder:   14 cm
Length of arm:    20.2 cm
Circumference of wrist: 5.5 cm
Circumference of arm :  9cm
Circumference of waist: 21 cm
Circumference of pelvis: 32 cm
Circumference of thigh: 18.2 cm
From waist to tiptoe :   42 cm