Doc Johnson - Vac-U-Lock | Supreme Harness Platinum Edition

- Material: Neoprene
- Adjustable Unisex Harness. Up to 175cm (69 inc.) waist
- Cushioned Front and Back Support for Comfort
- Soft, Breathable Neoprene Material
- Design Offers Easy Access to Intimate Areas
- Use with Any Vac-U-Lock Compatible Attachment
- Easily Converts to O-Ring Harness
- Includes 3 Ring Sizes


L'imbracatura Supreme è costruita per il comfort e il gioco rigoroso.
Fornisce un supporto sexy ed è facilmente regolabile fino a 175 cm (69 pollici), con cinghie da tirare per stringere, cavallo e parte posteriore aperti e una parte anteriore a scatto per sostituire gli accessori.
Realizzata in neoprene nero liscio, l'imbracatura Supreme funziona con tutti gli attacchi Vac-U-Lock e con i Sex Toy compatibili con la cinghia.
Include due O-ring.
Progettato per l'uso da parte di donne e uomini.

Istruzioni per la cura e la manutenzione:
Pulire con il detergente antibatterico per giocattoli Doc Johnson o lavare con acqua calda e sapone.
Lavare a mano le imbracature con un detergente delicato e stenderle ad asciugare in piano


The Supreme Harness is built for comfort and rigorous play.
It provides sexy support and is easily adjustable up to 69”, with pull-to-tighten straps, open crotch and rear, and a snap front for swapping out attachments.
Made of smooth black neoprene, the Supreme harness works with all Vac-U-Lock attachments as well as strap-on compatible toys.
Includes two O-rings.
Designed for use by women and men.

Care and Maintenance Instructions:
Clean With Doc Johnson Antibacterial Toy Cleaner or Wash With Warm Water And Soap.
Hand Wash Harnesses With A Gentle Detergent And Lay Flat To Dry.



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We ship only with tracked system, either by express courier or by an international postal system.

Availability: The items are normally ready for delivery and are shipped within 48 hours of payment. If they are not ready for delivery, we will inform you about the time of escape.