LONGJACK  2170mg
Up Your Size. 
Significantly Increases Sexual Performance 
Increases Penis size, Energy Level, Builds Muscle, Fat Burner. 
Male Extra Strength Enhancement Formula 
With Maca Extract, Tongkat Ali, L-Arginine, Ginseng.
(6 Bottles, 360 Tablets)
Distribute Buy Sport Supplements
Made In USA 

The Unique Formula Of Longjack 2170mg:

Tongkat Ali 500mg, Macca Extract 250mg,  L-Arginine 500mg, Ginseng Blend 125mg,
Proprietary Blend 745mg: Sarsaparilla (herb powder), Pumpkin Powder, Muira Puama Powder, Oat Straw (herb powder), Nettle (herb powder), Cayenne Pepper (40M HU/G), Astragalus (4:1), Catuaba Bark Powder, Licorice(4:1), Tribulus Terrestris (herb powder), Orchid Oyster Extract and Boron (amino acid chelate)

History Of Logjack ( Tongkat Ali):

Common Name: Tongkat Ali
Botanical Name: Eurycoma longifolia
AKA: Longjack

In densely shaded greenery in the sweltering hot Malaysian rainforest, I watched three aboriginal men chop a mature Tongkat Ali root, one of the most powerful aphrodisiac plants on earth, out of dense soil. Researching sex-enhancing plants often puts me in marvelous and remote places. In this instance, the trail led me to Malaysia to research Tongkat Ali. For this I can thank Annie Eng of Herbal Powers, who first introduced me to this plant, and who accompanied me to Southeast Asia.Tongkat Ali is a popular folk name for Eurycoma longifolia, a medium size slender tree reaching 10 metres in height. The name Tongkat Ali means “Ali’s walking stick.” Another folk name for the plant is Longjack. Tongkat Ali is native to Malaysia, lower Burma, Thailand, and Indonesia. The root is employed as a traditional remedy for the treatment of malaria, high blood pressure, fevers, fatigue, loss of sexual desire, and impotence. Tongkat Ali enjoys both a long history of traditional use, and a growing body of serious science corroborating its efficacy.

Tongkat Ali  Increase Testosterone Level:

Numerous scientific and clinical studies has been carried out to probe the efficacy of Tongkat Ali to increase testosterone levels. As you may notice, there are far more animal studies (specially in mice) than human studies. Mice models are generally used because of their similarity to humans, and this poses many advantages for researchers, to name a few: evaluating possible side effects before their use in humans, ability to control their environment (to isolate the effect of the substance), more flexibility to take and analyse samples and much cheaper cost. These are the reasons why research in animal models is done before human models and tend to be more abundant. However, in some cases the results in animal models doesn’t translate to humans very well, this is the reason why animal models provide a very good reference but you will want to see the actual results in humans before drawing any conclusions.Here I have compiled the most relevant studies, starting with the ones in humans. More and more evidence in humans is becoming available as researches are starting to see the powerful effect of tongkat ali to increase testosterone levels in men and woman. Some studies are currently being developed, and I will try my best to update this page as they become available. I have also included some relevant studies in rats so you can have an idea of tongkat ali’s effect in mammals in general, which may also apply to humans.Included the abstract of the publications, with the main findings and important information highlighted like this, make sure to pay attention to these bits of information.

Tongkat Ali May Help Osteoporosis:

 It is also important to notice that there is a growing body of research of tongkat ali and its use for help osteoporosis induced by testosterone deficiency, some cancer types and plasmodium, but I won’t include any of these here.The difficulty of harvesting Tongkat Ali in the wild is one very good reason to cultivate the trees in plantations. Additionally, as this traditional plant remedy becomes more popular, supplies of Tongkat Ali in the wild will inevitably decrease. Over time, this tree could become endangered. To preserve the natural environment, and to protect remaining wild specimens of Tongkat Ali, Malaysia is currently establishing plantations of this tree. The Malaysian government is enthusiastic about the future of Tongkat Ali, and is providing economic support for its development. To every appearance, Tongkat Ali is a market volcano of Krakatoa proportions, ready to blow. 

Benefits Of Tongkat Ali:
  1. Support general health and vitality and strengthen the body
  2. Support sexual drive for men
  3. Increase mental, physical sensitivity and performances
  4. Enhance energy levels, endurance and stamina
  5. Reduce mental fatigue and exhaustion
  6. Helps erectile problem and increase sperm counts
  7. Increase healthy blood circulation
  8. Improve and keep testosterone hormone at a healthy level
  9. Tones skin and muscle
  10. Improve immune system
  11. Help recovery and convalescence from illness and operations
Tongkat Ali &  Sexual Performance:

Tongkat Ali is a herbal tree that is grown in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.  It has been consumed for many years in Malaysia as a natural aphrodisiac to enhance sexual performance.Tongkat Ali, a flowering herb with the scientific name Eurycoma longifolia, is a popular herbal supplement extracted from the root of Tongkat Ali tree usually found in different Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The herb is a proven testosterone booster that also contains immune boosting and anti-viral enhancing compounds. These wide-range of benefits, coupled with its safety record, make the herb a great choice for people looking to boost their testosterone levels naturally. Below are a few benefits of Tongkat Ali.In addition to improving libido, tongkat ali also improves sperm quality and fertility. The hormonal boost provided by supplementing with this herb brings about better quality of sperm in terms of increase in volume, motility and concentration.

Tongkat Ali May Improve Sperm Quality:

 A study published in the Asian Andrology Journal in 2010, investigated the effect of this supplement on sperm quality with 350 male participants. In this study, investigations were conducted to test discover the effect of this supplement on male fertility with respect to sperm motility, percentage of sperm morphology, sperm volume and concentration. Several clinical and lab tests have been conducted to ascertain the effect of this herb on testosterone levels, sperm quality, sex drive. Here is a brief discussion of the main benefits of using tongkat ali to improve male sexual health.We all know that a good sex experience is priceless. Nonetheless, as we age, the production of hormones required to spike our sex drive becomes weak. Tongkat Ali will give you a boost in testosterone, but fortunately not in the way many testosterone boosters do. Although most testosterone boosters promote the production of testosterone by Leydig cells, Tongkat Ali boosts the amount of Leydig cells while helping the body make use of its natural hormones more effectively.Regular use of tongkat ali increases the testosterone levels in men. As men get older, they experience a significant drop in testosterone and some other hormones. This condition is called andropause. Andropause is marked by a decline in sexual response and lack of energy. Eurycoma longifolia has been used as a potent aphrodisiac and a remedy for andropause. The root of this herb contains substances that can stimulate the libido, promote semen quality, and boost sex drive by increasing testosterone.

Benefits Of Maca:
  1. A significant increase in energy, endurance and stamina.
  2. Maca increases  muscular strength.
  3. Maca both  increases libido as and acts as an aphrodisiac.
  4. Maca helps the body to regulate hormonal processes.
  5. Maca root works as an excellent memory enhancer.
  6. Peruvian Maca helps increase  blood circulation in your body
  7. As an adaptogen,  Maca helps to regulate and stabilize the various systems in your body such as the lymph system, the circulatory system, the hormonal system, the musculature system etc.
Maca Is Superfood:

Maca is an amazing plant that has been grown and used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. This nutrient dense tuber or root is grown in the Andes mountains of Peru.One of the world’s few known adaptogenic herbs, you will want to make sure you keep this one in your pantry and consume it on a regular basis.Lepidium meyenii commonly known as Maca is an ancient Peruvian superfood. Native to the high Andes of Peru the Maca root belongs to the family of cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and similar green leaf vegetables. Maca is usually available in powder form and has been used in Peru to boost stamina, increase energy and hormonal balance for thousands of years. Today the modern world has recognized the healthy benefits of Maca and has given it the status of a superfood. Maca is a root vegetable belonging to the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables.  It is most similar to radishes and turnips in growth habits, size, & proportions.  

Maca Extremely Mineral Rich: 

 Maca is extremely mineral rich with ample amounts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, potassium, copper & zinc.  These are extremely important for healthy skin, bones, eyes, and joints. These minerals are also vital for effective cellular formation, communication and regeneration.Maca is one of the highest altitude crops in the world growing atop 8,000-14,500 foot regions of the Andes Mountains in Peru.  In this climate, it faces extreme cold, intense sunshine, powerful winds and challenged agricultural areas.Due to the challenging climates that maca grows it doesn’t harbor pests and therefore is always grown organically.  In fact, many Peruvian farmers have begun planting it with other root vegetables as the plant naturally repels pathogenic nematodes and other pests.

Health Benefits of Maca for Men:
  1. Maca boosts the stamina and alleviates the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
  2. Maca increases energy.
  3. Maca may help sexual activity.
  4. Maca nourishes the glandular system and enhances its performance.
  5. Maca boosts fertility.
  6. Maca decrease mental stress and depression and improves emotional well being.
  7. Maca stabilizes the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems in the body.
  8. Maca balances the hormones in the body.
Maca For Male Virility:

Maca powder has also its benefits on men in that it enhances testosterone or androgenic hormone levels in addition to improving sperm fertility. Some men also experience erection cells reactions increase, a leading known as an organic and natural. Finally, this increase in human body hormones can also result in virility which helps in fighting from getting older.Maca Powder has been used for its therapeutic qualities for centuries. Traditionally Maca Powder was used by Incan warriors to boost stamina and energy but over the years studies have found a myriad of other health benefits of this dynamic supplement. It has been used to treat stress, , menopause symptoms, infertility, low libido levels in men and women, premature ejaculation in men, fatigue, less physical endurance, weakened immune system, hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, memory loss and many other cognitive conditions. Due to its anticarcinogenic and antioxidant activities, Maca Powder has also been used to help suppress the development of cancer cells and it may also help to slow down the aging process.

Benefits Of L-Arginine:

The L-form of arginine is one of the 20 amino acids that are commonly found in nature. It is classified as a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning that the human body can’t manufacture sufficient quantities under certain conditions and developmental stages. For example, preterm infants and adults with poor nutrition may require l-arginine as a nutritional supplement. The Swiss chemist Ernst Schultze first isolated l-arginine in 1886 from an extract of lupin seedlings.L-arginine is readily available from many dietary sources. Common animal sources of l-arginine include meats such as beef, poultry and wild game, especially birds. Dairy products like milk, whey protein and yogurt are also significant sources of l-arginine. Fish like halibut, salmon and tuna contain l-arginine, as do shellfish such as shrimp. Plant sources of l-arginine include wheat flour and wheat germ. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans and walnuts also contain high concentrations of l-arginine. Additional plant sources include seeds like pumpkin, sunflower and sesame.L-arginine is critical for supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It also has many other important roles such as supporting cell division and maintaining immune health and healthy hormone levels. Other physiological functions performed by l-arginine include the transportation of ammonia from the body.This effect is due, at least in part, to the fact that L-arginine increases the production of nitric oxide, an excitatory neurotransmitter (or chemical messenger in the brain) that is also responsible for causing erections men. Nitric oxide is the only known gaseous neurotransmitter in the body, and it helps men obtain erections easier because it facilitates blood flow to the erectile tissue of the penis. 

Benefits  Of Zinc:

Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell. It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes. Zinc is essential for functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. The prostate contains a higher concentration of zinc than any other soft tissue in the body.Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods, including red meat and poultry. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain seafood, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products. Zinc absorption is greater from a diet high in animal protein than a diet rich in plant proteins. The recommended daily requirement for adult males is 11 mg. Zinc deficiency is rare in adult males eating a normal diet.Zinc deficiency has been shown to cause a diverse range of conditions such as fatigue, poor sexual health, premature aging, low immunity, macular degeneration and so much more.Zinc is important for optimal testosterone levels.Low zinc in men stifles testosterone production.It puts men at risk for developing prostate cancer and is linked to infertility.

Zinc Produce Enzymes:

Zinc is used to produce enzymes that initiate cell division.Most people do not realize this but the male prostate requires ten times as much zinc as other cells in the body to stay healthy.Adequate zinc intake protects the prostate from inflammation, damage and future cancer development.I know a lot of you guys don’t give your prostate any thought whatsoever, just keep in mind that everything you do today has potential consequences years down the road.Now, here’s something that might interest you sooner rather than later.High sex drive and and high sperm count are great but motility is king if you want kids.Sperm motility is defined as the strength and endurance of the sperm cells to swim towards the egg and fertilize it.Low sperm motility is the primary cause of male infertility.If you have low sperm motility it means that you have a low percentage of sperm that are moving forward.It appears that zinc protects our cell membranes against the oxidative damage that can be caused by other metals in the body, such as iron or copper.  It also forms part of an important antioxidant in the body called superoxide dismutase.  This is used by the liver to bind toxins that are the removed from the body.


Macca Extract 250mg
Tongkat Ali 500mg
L-Arginine 500mg
Ginseng Blend 125mg
Proprietary Blend 745mg: Sarsaparilla (herb powder), Pumpkin Powder, Muira Puama Powder, Oat Straw (herb powder), Nettle (herb powder), Cayenne Pepper (40M HU/G), Astragalus (4:1), Catuaba Bark Powder, Licorice(4:1), Tribulus Terrestris (herb powder), Orchid Oyster Extract and Boron (amino acid chelate).

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose and croscarmellose. 

Directions: Take 2 tablets 30 minutes before meals with an 8oz glass of water. Serving Size: 2 Tablets, Servings per container: 30

Quality Guaranteed:To ensure that our Formula contains best ingredients, we meticulously analyze every batch in our labs to guarantee the highest quality.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Positive feedback rating 5 stars b***8 ( 1418 Red star ) 2017-02-01
Positive feedback rating It really works,great price too j**********n ( 134 Turquoise star ) 2017-02-01
Positive feedback rating Fast And nice! ! m*********n ( 86 Blue star ) 2017-01-31
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Positive feedback rating Great item, as described, fast & free shipping, highly recommend- thank you! d*******9 ( 439 Turquoise star ) 2017-01-31
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Positive feedback rating GREAT SELLER, FAST SHIPPING, GREAT SELLER r*******t ( 348 Turquoise star ) 2017-01-31
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