These are my own, hand made interconnect cables using specially made cold extruded pure silver.  Cold extrusions avoid the typical sonic problems of conventional hot stretching of the silver, which often gives spectacular sound stage, but results in a brittle top end with a sucked out mid-range, that sounds good for a short time, but becomes fatiguing after a short time.  These cables give a surprising performance across the entire audio spectrum with a huge, detailed sound-stage and unsurpassed definition. 
Over 3500 pair sold Worldwide with the guarantee that if anyone finds a better cable, at any price, We will refund the purchase price in full (not counting postage).  So far no one has ever returned a pair, with the exception of one Asian customer who was sent a very bright amplifier from Hong Cong and needed a dull cable, and he exchanged his pair for a pair of our speaker cables that carry the  same guarantee. 
The phono plugs are WBT pure Tellurium Copper plated with Pure Rhodium, which is more expensive and much harder than gold and never tarnishes.  There is no brass or any poor conducting metals used in their construction.


Price: $350 (1m)
          $520 (2m)

About Osborn Loudspeakers.

Despite never advertising, has sold over 3500 pairs in 16 Countries.  All by word of mouth.

*42 speaker models ranging from $1,290 to $22,990.

*Chosen for the Sultan of Brunei to replace a pair of speakers costing US$100,000.  He told his advisers to get the best, regardless of cost.  They looked at speakers up to US$500,000, before choosing the best they had heard, a pair of Osborn Grand Epitome, now $8,570

*Bound for Sound Magazine in the USA spent two years searching the world for the best possible speaker.  The run away winner, and by far the cheapest speaker tested, was the Epitome and Bass Units, now $8,575.  These were the only speaker they had ever kept as a Reference.

 *Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, (USA) the World's largest Internet magazine, went to the CES in Las Vegas looking for a Reference speaker for the magazine, and after going around the entire 1500 display rooms, they chose the Eclipse, now $4,570, which they rated as the best tower speaker they had ever tested. 

*When Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, appointed an Australian Editor, after careful auditioning, he chose Osborn for all his Reference Speakers. (And amplifiers) 

*Peter Moncrieff from International Audio Review, probably the most respected reviewer in the USA, rated the Epitome and Bass Units (now $8,575) as virtually the mythically perfect speaker, outperforming all small and large speakers. 

*He later reviewed the Grand Monument Reference, and rated it as unsurpassed by any speaker at any price in the World.  It was the first speaker he ever awarded a A1+ rating. 

*Bound for Sound Magazine in the USA, on auditioning the Grand Monument Reference declared it to be “An island of sanity in a sea of fiscal stupidity” (Referring to the excessive pricing of other super speakers)

And much more.

Sole Australian Agents for;

Convergent Audio Technology (CAT) from USA (Widely rated as the best Amplifiers in the World)
Vermeer Audio from France. (One of the finest DAC/Music Systems at any price)
Opera/Consonance Amplifiers/Digital Systems/Turntables (Extraordinary products with over 2800 now sold)