Terms & Conditions
 Your purchase will be gifted as soon as possible after purchase however I am away from my computer from Friday night to Saturday night (USA) almost always. If any purchase is made during that time it will be gifted Saturday night guaranteed. See my 100% customer satisfaction feedback.

Items in this package:

Warning : this upgrade can only be applied on an existing RSI Constellation Aquila.

RSI Constellation Aquila to Aegis Reclaimer Upgrade CCU

This is a CCU (cross-chassis upgrade) from an RSI Constellation Aquila to Aegis Reclaimer. When its received in the hangar click on the upgrades RSI Constellation Aquila to Aegis Reclaimer upgrade) arrow button and click the button that says upgrade. Follow the prompts and you will have a new Aegis Reclaimer. Do understand, that you will have to own or make purchase of an RSI Constellation Aquila ship.

When complete, within the hangar, click on the ships arrow button, It will clearly display that it has been upgraded to the
Aegis Reclaimer. This is one beautiful ship CCU at a great price, a great buy!!! 

The Aegis Reclaimer is an industrial salvage ship. Equipped with a reinforced cargo bay, a long-range jump drive and launch pods for unmanned drones, the Reclaimer is an ideal ship for taking advantage of deep space wrecks. Tractor beams, floodlights, scanner options and docking ports round out the tools on this capable, utilitarian spacecraft. The listed Cargo Capacity is only for the dedicated Cargo Room and does not account for the salvaged material capacity which will be detailed later. "
I accept PayPal payment only from verified PayPal users.
To retrieve this object you must send me Name and Email associated to your account within the buyer note section during checkout!!!
You must own a copy of Star Citizen to obtain this digital item.
New gifting system requires direct delivery from account to account (e-transfer). Tracking is provide by "Hangar Log" on RSI website.
It is not possible to ordinary mail deliver this item without a valid RSI account.
Once transfer of the item is complete, it will become account bound and non transferable to any other account (until policy otherwise changed by CIG).
The Cloud Imperium Games gift system allows each item to be gifted once only. After an item is accepted, NO returns are allowed and therefore NO refund is possible.
I will copy and paste the email address and handle name so there are no mistakes by me when gifting your purchase.
I do not represent CIG, RSI, or affiliates and I am the official owner of items being sold in this listing.
If you do not already have a Star Citizen account, you can specify my referral code when creating your account: STAR-XXT4-B5F6
For this, there are automatically 5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits), which can be issued for armament, ship equipment or hangar decoration.
I am the owner of the listed item(s), for my authorization to sell ships, packages and items see "Package Re Sale Policy" of game rules. In Buying this item you acknowledge and accept RSI's End User License Agreement (EULA) for Star Citizen / Squadron 42 game. This is a private and occasional sale with no agreed warranty. You can obtain and use said materials listed in this selling but must remember that all items remain the property of Cloud Imperium Games. Star CitizenĀ© 2012-2017 Cloud Imperium Games Corporation & Roberts Space Industries Corp.

Thank you for viewing my listing!!!