Bettie Black Bird cat toy teaser play and chase toy by Tiga Toys Realistic, soft feather bird handmade 


Cats go crazy for Tiga Toys
Great for stimulation and fitness, fun cat play time for both you and your cat! 
Satisfy your cat's natural hunt & chase instinct. 
Toys stimulate a cat and keep them amused, happy and content. 
Bettie is a feather toy aerodynamically configured to spin through the air simulating a flying bird and for your cat look and sound like the real thing!  Soft and realistic. 



Playing with your cats is an important part of maintaining their health and your bond with them. Luckily, they love to play! Providing opportunities for solo play is particularly important for indoor cats, especially if they spend much of the day alone.

Kittens and adult cats are both stimulated by the same sort of games, though kittens don't require a great deal of encouragement to get started. Cat play is almost entirely about simulating behaviour associated with hunting.

Cats have a strong instinctual desire to stalk and catch prey so you'll find you have the most success if you can mimic the actions of something they are likely to hunt.

❔ What size: approx size: 12cm Total length, actual body 8 cm width 

*wand in Etsy photo for reference only not included

📸 Remember to follow and tag us in your cat photos with our toys on facebook or Instagram @tigatoys
⚠️ PLEASE NOTE as these toys are hand made from natural fibres and real feathers they can be a delicate part of the toy, being not indestructible they may break off during vigorous playtime.

⚠️  SAFETY WARNING -Cat toys are NOT chew toys. They are designed only for human supervised interaction with your cat, to encourage cats to play and exercise. All the interactive toys should be put away, when the play sessions are over. They should never be left with your cat to chew or destroy. Examine regularly for wear and tear and replace if ripped or torn. Keep toys and treats stored safe out of reach from where your cat could access them. Keep them in a drawer, cabinet, or other secure place and bring them out only for interactive play sessions, controlled by you.

Not suitable for children. 

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👍  Check out reviews and our 'other items' for more TIGA Cat Toys. 

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